.2 STREATOR, ILLINOIS, DAILY TIMES-PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1945. Page 7. FOR SALE John Deere No. 4 bottom 18" plow, Lke new. Phone 7084 or 7089.
Mill VIEHOIIA CLUB HASJJEETIIIG COMMUNITY GROUP ENTERTAINED BY MRS. LUELLA MOFFETT. con; Burl Enos Itinkenberger of Henry; Milan Russell and Henry J. Has. ks worth Jr.
of Sparland, Charles Frank Stewart of Edelstem; Robert J. Tomlinson and James W. Forsythe of Washburn. Quota The Red Cross War Drive in Evans township was completed with $400 in excess of the quota, as reported by E. Clark Harter, township chairman, and William Burroughs, assistant chairman.
The quota was set at $1,900 and $2 311.40 was raised. Of this amount $1,597.15 raised in the and $714.25 in the rural districts. WANTED TO BUY Toy automobile for small child. Call Rosalie Snyder, 2327. WOMEN tN "THE CENTURY 1 OFTEN WERE TRIED FOR M4SSAVG IF CONVICTED WERE LEO THROUGH WE STREETS WEARING IRON MUZZLES OVER THEIR HEADS, WITH MOUTH PIECES THAT FORMED A WEN ON A.
Mrs. Clara Moffett entertained the Community Club Thursday afternoon, Mrs, LueUa Moffett being assistant hostess. Miss Bess Laughlin conducted the business meeting, which was preceded by the scripture lesson by Mr? Louella Moffett Gardening guggestions were given for roll calL Mrs. Routh gave an interesting reading "The Home of Tomorrow, ealad. Mrs.
Guy Calhoun of Belle- demonstration of making a spring aladd. Mrs. Guy Calhoun of Belle-ille was an out-of-town guest. The hostess served refreshments. 4H Club Meets.
The Osage Livewires 4-H Club net at the Osage town hall Tuesday night. Four new members wei welcomed and, with their projects, are: Billy Jaegle of Strea-tur. turkeys; Glen Neifing, dairy calf; Harold Sunken, hogs; Marvin Stout, litter and boars. Enrollment cards were filled out" After a short business session, George Troll talked to the club about the ractor project, showed moving pictures, "Tomorrows Leaders' and News Events of 1944. and discussed having an activity center in Oitawa.
The club projects will be August 28 arV 29 -and will be held at Buffalo Rock The committees for the next meeting will be Ella Louise Coons, Ferol Coons, Mary Gertrude Dana- to visit the former's mother, Mrs William Erode ric. They enjoyed seeing her brother, William rod-eric, and family of Chicgao and her two sisters and families. Meet on Boat. Sgt. Ralpn Killifer writes to his mother, Mrs.
Mattie Killifer, that on the boat going overseas he was surprised to have another -soldier come up to him who thought he looked familiar. When they compared notes they found they were from Lostant. the other soldier being Gerald Qstick. Bptlr boys were Tiappy to be with someone fronv-home. Mr.
Snd Mrs. Charles Schroeder had the pleasure of having their daughters Lela, Elaine and De-lores, home from Aurora over the week-end. Mrs. Mamie Chambers, who had been visiting her sons here, has returned to her home in La Salle where she has started to work in Fitches Laundry. Mr.
and Mrs. Milo Keyt entertained -the formers -parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Keyt and son, Smith Keyt, on Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Chambers had as dinner guests -Sunday the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. i Charles Schroeder and Mrs.
Schroe-ders parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shawback, who have just returned from California; Misses Lila, Elaine and Delores Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lauer, all of Aurora; Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Rose and family, Sgt. Richard Fetzer and Miss La Rue Hooper. Mr. and Mrs.
Evan Fraser spent the week-end in Wapella with the formers parents. Purchase Farm. Louis' Petersen who has been in York ville where-he assisted -his daughter, Mrs. Baer," and husband move from a farm near Aurora, has returned home. The Baers have purchased the farm which they now occupy.
Mr. Baer, however, will continue his work in a defense factory for the duration. Mrs. Florence OBrian and children of River Forest and Mrs. Marie Wiebgart of Aurora have been spending several days in the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs, F. Comisky. Mrs. Russell Tomlinson of Chicago and her son, Sgt. Arthur Tomlinson, who is home- on furlough, are now guests of the formers sister, Mrs.
Lawrence Ryan, and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. John ifenry Hilta-brand entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Naw Granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Carter became grandparents Thursday when a daughter was born to and Mrs. Leonard Armstrong in Philadelphia, Pa. The mother was formerly Virginia Carter of Wenona and the little girl is their first child. Mrs. Carter went east to be with her daughter.
Miss Kate Kane went to Chicago Thursday to visit for a week. -Edward L. Monser is recovering satisfactorily from an abdominal operation performed in St Marys hospital, Streator, Tuesday. Dr, Karl Meyer, noted Chicago surgeon, performed the operation. Return to Toxas.
Lt.and Mrs. Eugent Hambleton leff Friday for Ellington Field, Tex. Lt Hambleton, who received his wings and commission before his furlough, expects to be assigned upon his return to his base. Mr. and Mrs.
Willis A. Myers, who spent the winter in Sarasota, Fla, have returned home; To Ft. Oglethorpe. Mrs. Neal Ward of Harvey, who visited her mother Mrs.
Meta Block, recently, left Chicagoen Thursday for Fort Oglethorpe, where she will take six weeks basic training in the Women's Auxiliary Corps. will then have short Wednesday to Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania, after a weeks vacation. Mr, and Mrs. Omar N. Harter accompanied their son to Chicago find stayed through Thursday.
ANSWER; Magellan, in 1520, NEXT: Why we mint cenxrve tael 1L her, Marvm Hylin, Raymond White and PaT-emy who also served bemg assigned as a medical technician in Madigan General hospital. Fort Lewis, Wash. Mrs. Mark Peterson entered St. Marys hospital, Streator, Tuesday and on Wednesday morning underwent She is recovering meely, Ellis Newton Harter returned at the Tuesday meeting.
The next meeting will be May I at the Osage town hall. Nephew Killed. Mrs. Frank Schupp left Wednesday night for Lakefield, to attend funeral services for her She. a nieccs's husband.
Arnold Grimes who was killed last Saturday a plane crash in Mississippi. Mrs. Grimes is the former Evelyn Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wenslaff, who resided in at one tune.
The Grimes had a small child. Funeral services were held Thursday in a Lakefield church. Church Women Meet. The Altar and Rosary Society met Wednesday night at the school hall. Mrs.
George Melody presided during the business session 6nd $5 was donated to the Red Cross During the social hour games were played and prizes awarded the winners. Mrs. Joe Salz and her assistants served lunch. The June meeting will be held with Mrs. Einar Helander as chairman of the social hour.
Social Union. MSTANUfflK SOCIETY MEETS Mrs. LOSTANT. The Altar and Rosary Society of St, Johns church i was entertained in the country met, hf)me of Mf. and Mrs.
Wayne Mar the of the Fruits and Vegetables APPLES Sweet cider, sorghum, honey Bring apple and cider containers. Apples, $1.00 per bushel and Ernest Halbleib. McNabb, CL up Business Service THE SINGER REPRESENTATIVE from Ottawa will be ta Streator every Thursday. Anyone desiring repair work, write Box 156. la car of Timet-Presssr FIRST QUALITY piano tuning and professional repairing.
H. Schaefer, 126 S. Vermillion streeL Dial 29141. WE PAY highest cash prices tat your dead horses, cattle Phone 3776L Klein Bros, Streator Rendering Wo.ks. Reverse chargee LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and repaired.
Nich. Plain, 604 Illinois street. Phone 3533L NOTICE! Protect your buildings with approved lightning rods. For estimate see Henry Simpson. Flanagan, Til.
Phone 226. AUTHORIZED ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANER SERVICE; For spring house cleaning get you CMfc crystals, floor wax, rug shampoo tM filters now, while available. Fbone 1880-R, Chester L. Olson, 215 W. Madison Ottawa.
WE BUY, SELL. TRADE AND RE-PAIR radios and electrical ap-pliances, Expert workmanship- at reasonable rates. See us about estimates. We call and deliver. Radio and Appliance Service.
124 S. Park StDial 2448. PLUMBING. HEATING. SEWER work done by expert mechanics, All work guaranteed.
Call A1 Schuster, 212 Seventh St, phono 35172, MEAT CURED AND SMOKED. No orders too large or too small The same careful attention to sll orders. Meat insured against fire.1 Drew Market, Dwight, III- SAILOR FETED Ill DANA HOME RAYMOND THORP, OF STREA TOR, HONORED AT DINNER IN PARENTS' HOME. DANA Mr. and Mrs.
Harris Thorp entertained at a dinner Eas-ter Sunday in honor of their son, Raymond Thorp, Seaman 1-C, the quartermaster division of the navy, who has been home on leave from New York. Seaman Thorp is serving on a patrol ship. Those present for the dinner were; Mr. and Mrs. Harris Thorp, and son, Mr.
and Mrs. -Bert Baker, of Wenona; Mr. and Mrs. Orvel Thorp and children, Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Thorp and son of Streator; Mr.
and Mrs.Harold Skiles and daughter, of Ransom; Mrs. and Mrs. Clifford Schmidgal and daughters." of Pekin; Mr. ancf Mrs. Lester Falk and family, Min-onk; Mr.
and Mrs. Louie Tjaden and children, of Dana, and Ralph Baker, Wenona. In. the af ternoon the. children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt on the lawn, and all enjoyed movies of themselves taken by Mr.
Schmdigal on Seaman Thorp's previous leave. Clifford Schmidgal. of Pekin, flew here to the Harris Thorp home Satuiday in his recently purchased plane for a visit with the Thorps. Mrs. Schmidgal was formerly Mayme Thorp, of Dana.
Miss Jean Vissering student at Eureka College, Eureka, a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vissering for the Easter vacation, was soloist at the morning service-Easter the Methodist church. He sang I Know That My Redeemer Liveth," from The Mes-. siah, by Handel, with Mrs.
Glenn NorVeli as the accompanist. Rev. Buckhojz, jpastor, of the church, delivered a fine sermon on Quickly and Tell. 'Potted Easter lilies, plants and bouquets' of cut flowers graced the altar. Mrs.
E. K. Boyd went to Belle- ville to spend Easter with her son, Graydon Boyd. An Easter dinner was served Sunday at the home of Frank Dunham and daughter, Grace. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Dunham and daughter, Mrs. Roy Seivers, of Streator; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dunham and son, Glenn, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Dunham and son Robert, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Dun-sham, Donald, Evelyn, Larry and Doris. Card of Thanks. Thanks to the voters of Grove-land township for your support in Tuesdays election.
Grace Dunham. Mrs. M. Coffey of Odell Hostess To Card Club ODELL-Mrs. Maurice Coffey entertained the Bid and Bye dub Thursday evening, when progres sn 500 as played, with pi ize3 going to Mrs.1 Milton J.
BiOwn, Mrs, George Hoke and Mrs. Joseph Tissiers. Lunch was serwd. Miss Edna Bannister was a Pontiac business caller Friday afternoon. John Higgins, who last week joined the navy at the office Springfield, left Thursday for Spi ingfield to report fur duty.
Ho expects to receive his boot tram Training Base. Ho- Is the young-Trainins Base. He is the son of Mrs. Mary Higgins. Mrs.
Albert Rugg and Dianne returned to West A1U. after a three weeks, visit at the home of Mr. Rugg's parcut. Mr. and Peter Rugg.
CLASS in ED 1ATU Une or It rordJ) .71 US 34 Added lines ll words off 1, J5 For monthly rates inquire St offleo. Whlt specs charted si tins rats. These fates spplx only to the strastat (reding area. Outside rats is I cent word per tssne with minimum charge 75c. Monthly rats on request.
CAE0 OF THANES. Per tins Minimum charge tl.OO. Ns advertising accepted for leas than 75c. Copy not accepted later than Uao a m. Male Help Wanted WANTED Boy or young man to drive car.
$40 a week- Apply at 1110 E. Broadway. HELP URGENTLY NEEDED! For greenhouse. This Is food for the war effort, full or part time jobs for men and women. Trimming, picking and packing tomatoes.
Inquire in person at Klines Greenhouse, Coalville Road. WANTED Men and women for general greenhouse work. Evans Greenhouse, 1203 Twelfth St. WANTED Chippers, grinders and laborers. Patch Foundry, Inc-202 Iowa Avenue.
WANTED Man to operate cleaning plant. Must be experienced, will pay good wages. Apply in person. Streator Laundry, 714 E. Hickory street.
Female Help Wanted OPPORTUNITY for girl or woman (preferably single! with bookkeeping and lyping experience Steady employment and fine future Business hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Address box 113 la care of Times-Press.
WANTED Beauty operator. Good salary and commission. Write Box 208, in care of Times-Press. WANTED Middle aged person as elderly lady. Contact Gillett, Dwight, 111.
Mrs. O. J- WANTED Girls or women for machine sewing on coats and pants. Experience unnecessary. Streator Clothing 212 Sterling St.
WANTED Women to fill vital army jobs. No experience required. Training received -in government schools for clerical, administrative and other types of work in the ground forces, service forces and air forces. Maintenance provided. $50 per month base pay while learning.
Upon discharge you will receive $203 severance pay and many other post-war benefits. Phone 2533, or call at 1231 East Main street. WANTED Waitress, day work only. Apply at Hill Bros. WANTED Middle aged or 'elderly woman for housekeeper.
Light work. Three" adults. Throne 8106, Grand Ridge, or write P. O. Box 42, Grand Wanted PAYING higher price for Iron, metal, rags, papers, magazines, books and used cars.
Square Deal Iron St Metal Co. Call 3134, Streator. ALWAYS BUYING scrap Iron, Junk, cars, rags, paper, magazines, auto tires. Our truck will call and pay top market prices. Streator Scrap Salvage, 115 S.
Shabbona St Dial 221L WANTED TO BUY-5 or 6 room modem house. State price and location. Write Box 295, -in care of Times-Press. ACCORDION and Saxophone wanted. State Write Box 2.
in care of Times-Press. WANTED TO BUY Feeder pigs. A. Walter Farm, Grand Ridge, phone 6031. WE ARE CONTRACTING for cucumber acreage.
You can make very good returns on small acreage. Come in and see ns about it The Best Foods, 720 S. Bloomington St. SADDLES Will buy or repair your old saddles, also have a few new and used saddles for sale. C.
C. Current, 722 Swift Oglesby, Illinois. ACCORDION WANTED for daughter. Give cash price, description. Write Box 272 In care of Times-Press.
1 WANTED TO BUY OR RENT Small acreage in or near Streator with modern residence, barn, etc. Write full particulars, price, terms, to P. O. Box 209, Streator. WANTED TO RENT Modern 5 or 6 room house.
Good location. Write Box 239, in care of Times-Press. WANTED 1 to 3 passengers to travel by car to the state of Washington. Leaving Tuesday morning, April 10. Inquire at 303 W.
Morrell St. While You can get a big price for your used car why not convert it into cash? We will pay highest top dollar for any make or model Colling Motor 112-114 W. Main St. WANTED First base mitt for left handed player. Please call 2471.
WANTED TO BUY 40 to 100 acres of farm land. State location, price and full particulars; Write Box 210, in care of Times-Press. For Rent FOR RENT Modern 5 room duplex. Electric furnace heat, bath, hot and cold running water, large victory garden, 7 miles south on Route 23, Phone 29521 or 3G454. George O.
Schlageter, Streator. For Rent Apartments FOR RENT 3 room furnished apartment, bath, heat, water, wash room, garage; 7 room jeottage in country, cement basem*nt, furnace, gaiage, barn, chicken house, garden, fruits. Phone 2142, room 307. FOR RENT Two room furnished apartment, close heat, water, light, gas and refrigeration furnished Adults only. Phone 29694.
FOR RENT 4 room modern unfurnished apartment at 406 N. Shabbona St. Inquire at 1004 N. Everett St. Adults only.
For Rent Rooms FOR RENT Sleeping rooms close to Owens. 409 N. Wasson St. For Sale Miscellaneous NO PRIORITIES NEEDED to purchase used 1 beams, channel iron, angle Iron, blacksmithlng Iron, or hog troughs Streator Scrap Salvage, 115 Shabbona St Phone 2211. NEW FURNACES IN STOCK.
BARKER HEATING CO, 610 Bloomington St, Dial 3354 XTURES FOR EVERY TYPE of lisiness, custom made for taverns, can be delivered now Phone dr write, I will call 308 Sterling St Edgar Noonan, phone 376. SALE Reconditioned pianos, $9 50 and up. Easy terms.f The porham-Pyle Co RQOK YOUR WHITE PEKIN duck-flings now. Start them on Purina puck Pellets. Peet litter, butter-toilk and chick equipment.
Barack-nwns, 131 S. Vermillion St. jFOR SALE Grocery store with fixtures, including show cases, walk-in refrigerator, etc. 4 for living quarters in connection. Good location Phone 34531 'after 4 p.
m. FOR SALE 2 electric welding machines D. Mfg, 1209 E. Twelfth street. FOR SALE Balloon tire boys Excelsior bicycle.
Mrs. Harvey Smith, 111 E. Hickory street phone 34533. FOR 'SALE Army truck boxes, "frsmes. -oak flooring and sides, size 7) ft by 12 suitable for grain box, etc.
Flink Implement Service. FOR SALE Pre-war baby buggy, in good condition. Phone 26891. Household Equipment SEWING MACHINES cleaned, ad justed and repaired. Wiiliam.
Willey. 211 Second St Phone 35663. SPECIAL SALE Fluorescent units and bed lamps, $8 95. elec, hot plates, hot water tanks, water heaters, lavatories, laundry tubs and stoves, water softeners. Christoffs, 715 Main St FOR SALE Sewing machine, shal-, low wellelec.
ptimps. Bring us ration cert, for gas or comb, range. Lighting' fixtures, used coal ranges. New and used kitchen heaters for use with gas or electric stoves. Bring us your sweeper for repair.
Duis Elec. Ap, Shop, 119 S. Bloom. St, Streator. FOR SALE Home Comfort cook stove.
In good condition. Phone 34681. 1 For Sale Real Estate WATCH SMART MONEY Its always buying the right thing at the right time. Just now its buying up treasure like this dandy six room modem house and 3 lota on Bazore St. $5,000.
Cash. COURT STREET. 7 rm. modem house and 2-car garage in Garfield school district $6 200. Business block 160 142 ft.
Cor. and Bridge street 3-boilers, always rented. Nets 10 on $65,000. Price $65,000. Wise men ease their worries by Investing idle money in land.
Good idea for you. MERRINER REALTY COMPANY. Stacy J. Merriner, Owner, fll S. Third St.
Phone 2580. to Coast Real Estate Service at Your Service. OR SALE Good 4 room house, full basem*nt, electricity, good (veil, chicken hoyso. gauge and fcther buildings; new fence. Located in Manvilie.
Possession at once. $1,600. Write Arthur Hel-lenburg, O. Box 237, Rutland, FOR SALE PattL piodern 6 room house with 3 bedrooms. 3 large lots and 2 car garage.
In' quire at 201 Sangamon street. FOR SALE All modern 6 room house and modern 4 room house, both on Cable St Inquire at $03 Cotton St COP. 1M NEA SCRVICC. wc, THIS 800KTFU80SHED IN 1651, IS STILL RECOMMENDED AS A TEXT-BOOK, 8ECAUSB fT 7EACMS A'AV'SATOS ro 7HWK. 47 BED LAMPS, Pin-up lamps, shades, coil springs, mattresses, juvenile furniture, living room, bedroom sets kitchen cabinet tables, wardrobes.
Savage Furniture Store, 120 N. Bloomington St- FOR SALE Twin-steel beds, like new; chest of 'drawers, Westing' house hand vacuum cleaner with demother attachment, Axminster lug, 7jx8, and American Standard silver finish flute. Phone 30804 Hay and Feed PILLSBURYS BEST FEEDS Get your concentrates, starter and grower and cafeteria feeds now while available in, new print bags at special prices. Blackstone. Farmers Grain Co.
HAY FOR SALE Timothy mixed with some a Haifa. Priced reason ably. U. G. Sass, Streator, III Seeds and Plants FRU-IT TREES, evergreens, shade trees, shrubs, perennials, strawberry plants, raspberries, etc.
Garden seeds, vegetable plants, landscape specialist Catalog free. Closed Sundays. Phone 16-33, Cornell Nur-sery. Cornell, III BERMUDA ONIONS 20c bunch, cabbage, 15c dozen; head lettuce, 15c See Wargo 811 Porter St Closed on Sunday TALL SWEET CLOVER SEED, timothy Mam. and.
red clover for sale; also Sass high-yielding and Hossier Crost hybrid seed corn: Inoculation for clover and soybeans. phone 37807, Streator BERMUDA ONIONS 20c bunch, cabbage, head lettuce, 15c dozen. Gladioli bulbs and other plants. Mrs. Middleton, 209iS.
Steiling St FOR SALE Plant the best for the best corn crop. Genuine Pfister hybrid seed. Excellent quality now ready. Order yours now! Allen Redmann, Ransom, 111, Phone 1490, Ransom, LOANS PERSONAL LOANS! FOR EXTRA CASH. $20 $50 $100 $259 OR MORE.
Consider These Feature of Our Loan Plan. No Red Tape. Many Loans on Signature Only Loans on household furniture euto co-signers, eta Friendly Service. If. extra cash will help you now wrife, phone or stop in tomorrow.
KANKAKEE INVESTMENT CO, Inc. 304 Murray Bldg. TeL 2319. Building Materials reroofing? See Us For The Job WE SELL MATERIALS WE FURNISH LABOR Easy Terms Free Estimates GAMBLE'S 109 E. Main Sl FARMERS Car siding, drop siding, sheathing, shiplap, flooring, rough boards, dimension lumber, bridge plank timbers.
Streator Lumber Yard, 524 E. Iridge St. Phone 3320. Refrigeration Service Complete Household and Commercial Refrigeration Specialists. UNITED ENGINEERING CO.
208 Bloomington SL Dial 3218 K. St REFRIGERATION SERVICE. Household and commercial refrigeratloa 720 E. Main St Dial 3304. Farm Implements FOR SALE Outdoor wood, toilet, elevator wagon jack cradle No.
la DeLavel cream separator with electric motor. 2 row stalk cutter, Zenith cabinet electric radio, 9 tube. Jaegle Implement Co, 118 Iowa Ave. 9" FOR SALE 6 room house with bath and furnace heat, at 204 North western Ave. Phone .29553.
FOA SALE My residence at 610 E. Elm SL Easy terms. All modern, fully equipped for home or apartment See memrmyy agent far details. Gustaf Bengtson, owner. J.
J. Mohan, agent. SALE 5 room modern home with bath, also garage, newly painted exterior, good location, Inquire at 114 Seventh or phone 2471 for appointment. Autos and Accessories FOR SALE 100 TTRES-GRADE 3 No Permits Necessary, VIRL Z. HILL MOTOR CO 210 Bloomington St COMPLETE CAR SERVICE AT ITS BEST Body and fender repairs; frame straightening and wheel alignment; painting; lubrication Wolfs Head and VS motor oils; complete mechanical repairs; large stock of parts and accessories.
Keep your car fit Virl Z. Hill Motor 210 Bloomington St FOR SALE We have batteries A batteries, Power Pak, flashlite and lantern batteries. Selection of seat covers, woak gloves, Streator Tire St Battery Co 128 S. Vermillion St ATTENTION -TRUCKERS Bring us your truck tires for vulcanizing and recapping. Prompt efficient service.
All work guaranteed. Flinks Implement Service, 502 N. Vermillion St SEAT COVERS All popular makes of cars. Permanent Anti-Freeze; get next -jwin'-'rs supply now. Bi'ng your own container.
New Motors. Before ove; hauling that old engine, see these new motors, 40-41-42 Chevrolet Used tires. New Tires. Batteries. V.
Z. Hill Motor Co. FOR SALE Chevrolet truck, In good condition. Phone 384W, Dwight 111. FOR SALE 1934 Chevrolet Deluxe coach, in good running condition, 4 new tires, good upholstery, reasonable Merle Hoffman, P.
O. Box 125,, Dana, III BRAND NEW 100 h. p. Ford V-8 motors. Full complete line of Ford parts and accessories.
Fast efficient service and repair work on all makes of cars. Expert body and fender work Painting. Collins Motor Co. 112-114 W. Main Street.
For Sale Baby Chicks WE WILL HATCH your turkey eggs on shares or so much for per egg. Wells Hill Hatchery, 3 miles north of Streator on State Route 23. Phone 37791. BABY CHICKS Day old and start-- ed. Full line of chick and poultry equipment Conkeys chick, poultry and hog feeds.
Malrs Hatchery, 117 S. Bloomington St BABY CHICKS-WE HAVE THEM Wh. Rocks, Barred Rocks and Wh. Leghorns; also some started chicks. Meils Hill Hatchery, 3 miles north of Streator on State Rte.
23 BUSHS BETTER CHICKS Each year more people raise Bush chicks. Theres a reason! Bush Hatchery Milling Dwight, 111., phone 90. For Sale Furniture FOR SALE New stoves, bedroom, living room, kitchen furniture, tables, rockers, walkers, baby carriages, mattresses, floor covering, scatter rugs. Furniture Mart 113 N. Vermillion St, phone 28374 FOR SALE-5 drawer chest, $1275; Singer sewing machine, kitchen cabinet $29 50; garden plow, kerosene stove, Ice boxes, $12.50 up; 9 12 congolqum, $5.95, $695, chairs, $1.00 1 up; radios.
$19 50, $29 50, $37.50. Trading Post, 202 N. Bloomington St, Milton Hartcnbower, T-S Dean Williamson of Randolph Field, Texas, Axel Nielsen and Mr. and Mrs Willis Mortenson Sunday --night. Cards were enjoyed and the hostess served a delicious lunch.
Little Wayne Henning is recovering nicely from bruises and cuts received when he accidentally fell from his fathers car as they were going ot Streator Sunday afternoon. He was riding in the back seat and thought he was opening a window and opened the door instead. Taken to St. 'Marys hospital, ten stitches were required. to close a gash on his -forehead.
Mrs. Mary Mortenson, who makes her home in the Peterson Rest Haven in Wenona, came home for the Easter "holidays and spent a few days with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Herre. Miss Doris Williamson spent part of her vacation in Deer Park with her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Sims. Mr. and Mrs. "Harry Graves had as guests Sunday their son, Oliver, and of Joliet, Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Koch and son of Peoria J. Scheibley of Leonore, CpL Paul Graves of Scott Field and his wife and son, Douglas, of Leonore. You will spoil the fine finish on a wood floor if you scrub it with water. He Would be. You got his gun? I pulled the gun out 0 1 my pocket and handed it over, Hapes registered disgust You werent so careful about fingerprints here.
Look, Cass. I began to froth a little at the mouth. I wrestled for that gun. If I hadnt, there would have been some lovely prints on the gun but no gun. Hapes merely stared at me stolidly.
Then surprisingly enough he passed it back. Know anyone who would want to kill you? No. I do." Charley smiled brightly. Hapes did not smile back. Who?" A mechanic with eyes like shoe buttons and a knife-scar on his face.
Whats his name?" Thats your job, answered Charley. He told Hapes the story of the tampering with his plane. Then he concluded; but the guy who fired this gun wasnt after Nick; that Is, not precisely, Wltat do yon mean not precisely? The shooting of that gun was a defensive act just as the slugging in the basem*nt If that fellow had really wanted Nidrout of the way, youd have had your corpse and a nice fat murder to work on. Ill have the murder yet," said Hapes bluntly, Sorry to have disappointed you, I remarked. Listen, Mr, Trent." Hapes became quito earnest.
When you've been a general practitioner for 20 years, you dont need X-rays to detect the measles. You can smell em, Well, Its the same irf police work. I can smell murder, and before long well have one." that comforting thought, Hapes left us. And it was characteristic of his New England laconicism, that when he passed Pat and her father coming through the gate in the station wagon, his greeting was imperceptible from where I stood it, in fact, there had been any greeting at all. Casa Hapes seemed not to like us.
(T Be Continued), ST. JOHN'S CHURCH WOMEN PLAN SILENT AUCTION NEXT MONTH. shall Wednesday night Assisting hostesses were Mesdames- Minnie Lechner, Nora Moore and Joe Apple. A short "business meeting was held and five dollars donated to the Lostant Red Cross. It was decided to hold a silent auction at the May meeting as a money making project.
Plans are being made to decorate the entire interior of church. Those in charge of the auction and as hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Arthur Gen-tert, Mrs: Margaf erroley-Mrs. Albert Dose and Mrs. Elizabeth Kay, The remainder of the evening was spent playing games and prizes were given the winners.
Mrs. Marshall served a delicious lunch. Mrs. William Lyons and daughter, Marie, went to Kinsman Easter in the Hudson, cellar were, to say the least, disturbing. It was beginning to look as if Phineas Hudson was in on this sbmehow.
That only confused matters. We might have pursued it further, but we heard a car wheeling along the gravel drive. TT was Cass Hapes. He ap-preached with a look half-worried and half-determined. Well, Cass, I said, you were right.
Mind If I have a look In the cellar? he asked. Neither of us minded although, we were not over-sanguine about the results. We took -him to the cellar. He said; Wheres this room? We showed him the room. He glanced swiftly around.
And the shoes? he asked. I looked. The shoes were gone. Charley said: They were right there under the cot. Hapes included us both in a withering glance of scorn.
Why didnt somebody knuckle on to those? I thought fingerprints or something Charley shrugged weakly. Fingerprints! With those shoes we didnt need fingerprints. There probably more than four pairs that sizg stocked in all the store? in the city of Boston'." Maybe they werent bought in Boston, I suggested. Id have liked the opportunity of finding that out. Now what about that fellow who entered your room last night, Mr.
Trent? Did Mr. Hudson tell you about that, too?" Mr. Hudson didnt tell me. Brenda Temple called." Charleys head came up like a setters. And I.
divined his thought. Why hadnt Mr. Hudson told Hapes? "Well, I said, he shot me and missed; thats about all. He was tall and tough," afternoon in- parlors Presbyterian church- After the business meeting the following program was enjoyed Edgar Guest Poem Mrs. Irene McClure.
Easter in 1945'-Mrs. Edith Judd. A New Lease on Life Mrs. Lillie Marconnet. Verne Lee Judd played two cornet numbers and Edward Marcon-nett two mellophone numbers Hostesses were the new officers, Mrs, Stella Hoge, Mrs.
Judd, Mrs. McClure and Mrs. Marconnet The Union will serve at the Streator Canteen June 14. Draft Quota. The first men to fill the Marshall county induction qiiota for April will be: James E.
Stith of Wenona; Edward Walter Guede and Lawrence Jewell Anderson, of La- THE SMELL OF MURDER XVIII A FTER that dinner things began 1 to happen. Eric discovered urgent business in Boston and Pat drove him to the train in the station wagon. Phineas Hudson rode along with Pat and Eric to make some telephone calls. Bruce Temple and Brenda departed almost immediately for home. Charley and I walked dispiritedly along the sea wall.
Charley said: Did you see Erics face when Bruce Temple spilled that business about Estoril? i For a time, I said, it was the only convenient way out of Eu- rope. Yes." Charley fingered his chin reflectively. Id like to know when he was there. Temple? Charley looked at me. I Who else? 1 i Eric, 4 said.
Or Booker or Catavestrl, I dont, suppose it would help much, Charley said. Nick, did Booker know bf your connection with the Hudsons? He seemed to, I said. He kept talking about the little girl on Beacon Hill. I only saw him once, Charley went on, but I noticed something i He paused. Yes? His feet," Charley said.
"They were big, Charley said. In fact, they were enormous. Lots of people have enormous I said. Charley looked at me shrewdly. 1 knew what he was thinking.
The implication in the presence of those Blakely pnd Hogdon shoes -1 v. NOTICE. For Pumping Out, Cess Pools, Septic Tanks, Call 29723..