tf THE HELENA DAILY INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1935 kjr 'ALBERT AS KILL New and Better Opponent Selected to Grapple Ted Thye IF AT FIRST YOU DONT SUCCEED SCHMELING IS TO BE GIVEN ANOTHER CHANCE AT TITLE MANY ENTRIES ARE RECEIVED FOR STATE HOOP TOURNAMENT OF AMATEUR INDEPENDENTS ment games and Bob Westfall and Henry Fiske, popular officiate, will do tbe officiating. The tournament will be started Thursday afternoon and a complete first round schedule will be played oft during the afternoon and night of the first day. The meet continues through Friday and Saturday with the championship game coming Saturday night All entries should in by this evening, according to Herman Ban- der of the Helena Y. M. chairman of the tournament com-', mlttee but mall entries will be ae- cepted np nntll noon Wednesday.
That will be the deadline aa the drawings must be made and teams notified as to the time of their games. I 1 Hearsts milk fund. Baer and his manager, Ancil Hoffman, have sworn they will never fight again for the garden, contract or no con tract. On the other hand they are very friendly with Jacobs and his co-promoters. Abroad? The third possibility is the champion will accept a $300,000 guarantee for an International joust with Schmellng In Berlin, In which event the German government will subsidize the bout.
James J. Johnston, garden match, maker, says he will not hesitate to ask the courts to enforce his contract rights provided Schmellng stands out as the logical heavy weight challenger when the open-air season rolls around. With the forthcoming Prlmo Car-nera-Ray Impelllttlore and Art Lasky-James J. Braddock gates to worry about, Johnston was disposed to soft padel much talk of a Baer-Schmellng fight, but he made it plain he will be In the running for a heavyweight championship bout this summer If the outdoor season finds Schmellng topping the field of challengers. Natural Jacobs Is not likely to be so particular.
He is not harrassed by elimination tournaments. He believes Baer vs. Schmellng is a fistic "natural and the thing a jaded fight public has been waiting for. He is expected to lose no time trying to sew up the match for one of the New York ball parks. The Germans, completely sold on the rejuvenated Schmellng, want to see him make his second bid for the title In the big Olympic Stadium being completed In Berlin.
German promoters offered more than a quarter of a million dollars for the bout with the full authority of Chancellor Hitler who thinks a championship bout in Germany will be worth many times that amount In propaganda. In Hamburg yesterday, Joe Jacobs, Schmellng's manager, said the Baer fight was assured for New York with the garden doing the promoting. The Astute Yussel prefers New York to Berlin since he figures most of the boxing cocoa-nuts grow on this side of the mfmmsi 19S-POONO OUTFIELDER HrT.3 24, PROVE IN 9 RUNS RR SW ANIbNlO IN SWN6 -MICE RETURNED Hm 'tb' WAS an All-America cenisrat smfWRs in 1927 MATCH WITH THYE REPLACES JACK WASHBURN IN HEADLINE THURSDAY When Ted Thye steps Into the ring at the Shrine arena this Thursday night, Helena rassle show fans will be seeing a former title holder and one of the greatest men In the game today. The Portland man Is considered the cream of the western Vapplers end his apperance here slgnlllzes the opening of two weeks of major wrestling that will be climaxed by the appearance of Jim Londls, heavyweight champion of the world, on March 21, In the outstanding sports attraction of the season. i Stone to Headliner A new and better opponent has been selected to meet Thye here ibis Thursday In the headline event the caTd.
He Is Glenn Stone, an up and coming heavyweight who may prove a contender for head laurels and a man sure to make Thye extend himself to win, If he oes. Jack Washburn was orlglnal-y selected as the opponent for Thye but his condition did not warrant It and Stone was moved In. According to the promoters, It Is a step upward as Stone Is a high-priced grappler. There are many features on the card here this week and the Portland booking office Is shooting a large order of class here to Induce more and more fans to become rassle conscious. Oliver William-ton of Butte, district manager, said that the arrangement of the next two cards had been made with the end In view of offering two attraction which the fans could hardly afford to miss.
Two Classy Events Two of the classiest events ever booked as anything but headliners appear In support of the Thye-Stone ipmatch. The first of these will be Ahe opening event between Cecil IplcGiU, a headline star In the making and a lad with a tremendous following here, who meets his old rival Jos Hubka, former University of Nebraska star, and one of the leading speed merchants on the Northwest circuit who Is also one of the most popular lads In the grunt and groan racket. The second event of the evening, billed as the semlwlndup, brings Babe-Small, recast conqueror of McGill, Into contact with a new star In shaking who grapples under the Irlsh-Itallan name of Casey Co-ombo. Seats and Orders Seta for the show are now on sale at the Higgins Cigar store. It was also stated that orders for seats for the Londos show were being taken at the Higgins Cigar store at the present.
Until the seats are Issued, which should be In the very near future, requests for certain seats are being honored at the popular sport shop and one of the most ynprecented rushes for ringside as well as house reserved seats Is being experienced. The ringside pasteboards sell for 2.20 with the balance scaled down to $1.65 and rf i-io. if This Is slightly In advance of he regular show prices which are 10 for ringside and 85 and 55 Icents In the house. IT IKWIEIE The playing- schedule foF ths Montana Interscholastlc championship basketball tournament, to be held here Thursday, Friday and Saturday March 14, 15, and 16, was announced today. The schedule: Thursday Evening 8 o'clock Mtles City and Poplar.
9 oclock Great Falla and Lodge Grass. Friday Evening 8Helock Mile City and Lodge Grass. 9 oclock Great Falls and Pop lar. Saturday Evening 8' o'clock Lodge Grass and Pop lar. (For class championship) 9 oclock Great Falls and Miles City.
(For class A championship) The team playing through the round-robin tournament undefeat-ed wins the all-state title. Officiate selected for the tourney are: Ray Wood of and William Wallinder "of Havte, referees; Carl Horn of Chinook, time-keeper; and Luke Wright of the Great Falls Tribune and Coach R. II. Wylie of Havre, scorekeepers RAPID CITY SCRAPS Rapid City, S. March Joe Duran, 182, Scotts Bluff, knocked out Eddie Reynolds, 126, Sioux City, in the sec ond round tonight.
Deal Barnes, 125, Rapid City, outpointed Baby Joe Greek, 118, Fort Meade, 8. eight rounda NATIONAL NET MEET New York, March 11. (JP) Preferred performers continued their parade of progress through the second round of the men's national Indoor tennis championship today. The highly fancied favorites to meet for the championship Saturday, Gregory S. Mangln and Berkeley Bell, seeded first and second, respectively, advanced to the third round.
Bell, ranked seventh In the nation and topping the upper half of the draw, made a runaway of his engagement with William Martin of Nqw York, 6 6 2. Mangln underwent a sound test of all hla equipment by Lieutenant R. Morgan Watt of the United States navy. Watt made the twice former Indoor champion run from side to side with crisp angled volleys before be succumbed to Man-gins general all-around superiority, 6-4, 7-6. Approximately 160,000,000.000 are consumed annually.
BACK AT THE By EDDIE BRIETZ Nework, March Max Schmellng's fine comeback against Steve Hamas In pretty sure to earn the Black Uhlan a crack at Max Baers title this summer, but whether the match will be staged here or abroad remains In doubt. There are three possibilities: One is that the two heavies will perform under the banner of Madison Square Garden, which claims to have both tied up by contracts. Another is that Mike Jacobs will bag the plum for Mrs. W. R.
abwlinrf GAMES TONIGHT Independent League 7 p. m. Kesslers vs. Langan Davis. Hofbrau vs.
Globe Clothing. Swift Co. vs. Rialto Com-mokers. 0 p.
m. Broadwater vs. Payn Taklt. Rio Theater vs. Montgomery Ward.
Sheehans vs. Anderson Clothes. RESULT8 LAST NIGHT Commercial League High team Allen Electric, 640. High series J. Doerr (Allen), 580.
High single Murtltt (Bausch) 214. EX-SHERIFFO Dolrhan Morrli Tompton Hovde Piraoni Handicap 1 3 188 180 171 308 188 113 138 138 188 183 88 88 180 488 188 638 113 180 118 376 183 833 68 188 Totals S44 S4S 787-0478 BAUSCH dk SONS E. Johnson 1M 1IT 181 483 Bausch in 180 181 448 SchlSTOn 184 188 is 47 MurllU 188 314 lit 838 C. Johnson 171 144 141 483 Handicap 11 11 11 33 Total 78S HI T88-3417 ANDERSON MOTORS Frits 187 Bust 188 Flits 134 Vlnnskolt 148 Simmons 140 130 133 133 168 140 70 411 188 488 183 448 184 488 140 430 70- S10 Handicap 70 Totals 813 744 3883413 ARTS DELIVERY Howard 1M Tompkins ITS Koehler so 147 Handicap 93 Total LIONS CLUB WlUon Hermann Anderson Ivey Bussard 809 lift 703-4410 190 172 151 158 173 187 158 154 145 183 191 877 ISO 508 159 484 180 489 311 808 Totals TEXACO FIRS CHUTS McDonald 157 169 167 478 Oornold 146188 176- 487 Roberts Jr. 191 308 150 647 Scow 159 170 148 475 McDonald Ill 141 161- 44 Handicap 10 10 10 30 Total! 843 887 783348 FEDERAL RESERVE Heath 11 167 HO- 48 Oulbartaon 180 187 168 638 R.
Samson 183 J86 177 83 MUlar 140 140 140- 430 Qummov 168 138 138 418 Handicap Total 134 7773406 T. B. MILLER AGENCY Burtan 173 178 134 474 Kuntl 148 188 180 618 Millar 10 18 178- 633 O. Roberta, Br, 140 140 140 430 Hunter 141 138 188 473 Handicap 3 Total 841 138-3488 OHBQUAMXOON CAFE Whittaker 14 188 183 474 Lees 140 140 140- 430 Rarmond 131 164 180 478 Oloeae 143 187 158 468 w. Bamaon 180 149 161- 470 Handicap 8 3 3 378 883 834 0213918 Totals UNION BANK Srhurlac Wrlibt Hina Oarlaon 791 88 8943666 iiiiaasts.
174 138 100 133 J8V 144 144 148 164 J15 484 168 430 111 381 131 398 138 433 108 334 Draper HI Handicap HI 106 Total 770 843 70S-3414 AMERICAN SHOE afoOP J. Munfar 148 138 183 448 H. Juhl 135 111 140 393 Oralner 188 167 188 481 Juhl 18 11 147 488 M. Juhl 170 147 148- 471 HaodloaS IS 16 14 46 Totsll 737 788-3300 ALLEN ELECTRIC J. Doarr 107 17 304- 610 Hof 177 178 170 635 R.
Allan. 177 170 164 801 Hetland 168 188 18S 614 R. Allen. Sr ns 1 Handicap 3 33 33 63 Total .180 313 887384 JOE SIMONICH LOSES Dayton, Ohio, March 11. P) Alabama Kid, Dover, negro middleweight, scored a technical knockout In the third round of a scheduled 10-round bout tonight over Joe Slmonich, Butte, Mont.
A badly lacerated Up caused Slmonich to concede the bout after two rounds. Kid weighed 158, Slnmonlch 160. PARIS BOUT Paris, March Freddie Miller, recognized as worlds featherweight champion by the National (American) Boxing, association, tonight outpointed Johnny Edwards of Franco In 10 rounds. The Cln clnnatl southpaw wplgbed 128, tone pound over the class limit Edwards scaled 129. The state amateur basketball tournament at the Helena Y.
M. C. A. Is attracting some excellent talent from various sections of Montana and some hot games are expected from the time the meet opens until It closes. Teams entering so far are the Butte Freebourns, 'Whitehall Town team, Townsend Chamber of Commerce, Company of the 163rd Infantry at Bozeman, Westmorland Confectioners of Dillon, Kaln Granite of Helena, Rialto of Helena, Darnalltes od Intermountain college and Allen Electrics of Helena.
The M. P. Ks, winner of the Helena city tournament, are also entered. Tournament officials have selected the Helena high school gym as the place for holding the tourna ilia 11 nis By EDWARD J. NEIL West Palm Beach, March 11.
(AP) Whatever else they may be, the St. Luis Brown are going to be hitters this season. The agile fellow afield, if he cant deliver at the plate, gives way to the boy with the belt regardless. We lost 61 games last season. by one run, says Manager Rogers Hornsby, a third of all the games we played.
That wont happen again. He got Johnny Burnett from Cleveland, a hitter always but never considered an exceptional fielder, though his averages usually are well up with the best. Johnny, in great physical condition, is almost certain to start at shortstop, replacing Alan Strange, last year's promising rookie, but only a .383 hitter. Into that Infield too Is likely to go Hornsby himself In the effort to batter the Browns out of the second division. If the Rod.
Sox buy Oscar MellUo, veteran second baseman, the Rajah will step In there. He may trot over to third base, where 22-year-old Harlan Clift performed gracefully last year and hit .260, good enough for a first-year man. Hornsby might even have a whirl at first bsse, unless the belting eye of Irving Burns, an outstanding fielder. Improves. Burns -hit only in 1034.
Hornsby fools that at 38 his playing days cant be over. Tbe ankle ho broke' with the Cubs Is strong, and there has been no sign of the heel Injury that bothered him for years, necessitating one operation. Hes trim and solid and ho still hits the fences and areas beyond on the fly. The Browns' pitching is strong and the catching la In husky, capable hands with Rollle Hemsley and Frank Grube around; but there's considerable question about the out field. Someone must fltl the shoes of Bruce Campbell, a topnotch hit ter and fielder, traded to Cleveland in deal that brought southpay Bob Welland and Burnett to Bt.
Louis. Sam West, who led ths club with a .336 average last season, la a fixture in center, Loft belongs to Ray Popper, burly Alabaman, who drove In 101 runs with an average of .233. Dobs Gams, who batted .293 but doesn't field so well, la locked In a duel with Roy "Beau Bell, a big rookl from Galveston who has caught Hornsby's eye with his clouting. Bell, hit .317 In the minors last, season. ClStpRco Mueller.
from. Buffalo. and. Larry Betten-court, up on oplon from San Antonio, are possibilities. Bettencourt particularly is a powerhouse, but there's a hitch In hla batting swing that has Hornsby working hours with him.
The Rajah Is satisfied with bis pitchers. Hla "big five consist of Buck Newaom, Biaeholder, Dick Coffman, Jack Knott and Welland, the first dependable starting lefthander Hornsby haa had sines he took over the Browns. Only Knott, In his first year up, bettered .500, winning 10 and losing S. In addition the Browns probably will carry Fay Thomas, who was with the Giants In 183 7 whan Hornsby served under John Mo-Graw; Howard Mills, a lefthander from Ban-Antonio, and Eleon Milwaukee rlgh hand rookie. Thelmas la, particular Is Hornsbys hope.
A big right hander, with everything necessary In his equipment, Thomas won S3 and lost only four with Los Angeles last season. IM-lllt llll 7-MID IH SOM March 11. (JP) Th sonata judiciary committee today apprdved the any-lynching bill' gnd authorised Senator Nuya to draW- up the teport. 4 Th measure, which faces 4 doilbtful road in congress, lain down sever penalties Tor lynchers, officers fall to exercise, dua diligence In protecting persons from them, and counties whero mobs take the- law. Into helWiL fcaiids.
Miami, March 11. (JP) Although held to three hits by four New York pitchers, including Hal Schumacher and Leroy Parmelee, the St. Louis Browns nosed out the Giants 2 to 1 In a 12-innlng battle today. A pass by John Leonardo with the -bases -full after Joe -Martin, rookie third baseman, had fumbled a grounder, forced John Burnett la with the winning run. The Giants got to Ivy Paul Andrews, Bob Welland and Dick Coffman for six hits but they all came In separate innings except In the eighth.
St. Lout (A) ..001 000 000 Ooi 3 3 New York (NT 000 UUU U10 0001 6 Andrews, Welland, Coffman and Hemsley, Grube, Schumacher, Par-melee, Smith, Leonardo and Man-cuso. COLLEGE BASKETBALL Temple 34, Notre Dame 26. Universal Pictures (Calif.) McPherson Refiners 48. 38, HOT CORNER STI BODP TIFF FOR TITLE Corvallis, March 11! (JP) University of Southern California won the Pacific Coast conference basketball championship here to-night by coming from behind In the final half minute of tumultuous play to defeat Oregon State oo liege 32 to 31.
An nnnsnally large number of fouls were called with four players having fonr each. They were Gut- -1 tero and Oram of Southern California and Palmberg and Conkllng of the Beavers. This was the third Coast basket- ball championship for the Trojans since the playoff was inaugurated in 1923. The title returns to the south- ern division after being held In the northern division tor two seasons, by the University of Washington. last year and by Oregon State college in 1933.
The Trojans led IS to 14 at the half of the game which waa rather loosely played with both teams ap- parently saving something for Mad Play Captain Hibbard did some great work In bringing the Beavers np Into a one-point lead with only five -minutes remaining to 'play. From then on the game' turned Into a mad mlx-up which all but got away from the officials who blew their whistles frantically. a With only second to play Oregon '1 State again got the tip-off, but did not have time to shot before thq final gnn. Lakeland, March (P) Manager Mickey Cochrane got a line on the 1935 prospects of the Detroit Tigers today as his full squad worked out tor the first time. He said Millard (Dixie) Howell, U.
of Alabama athlete, has the makings of a great outfielder. Fort Myers, March Jl. (JP) Its now Col. Cornelius (Connie 5 Mack) McGlllicnddy, at least, in Kentucky. The veteran pilot of the Philadelphia Athletics received his commie- slon from Governor Ruby Latfooa "5 of Kentucky at the training camp today.
1 StePtersburg, March 1L QP) A strained right arm forced Babe Rnth to make an early exit fronTlodays Boston Brave practice. The mighty alugger said ha first felt the palnfnl injury during the exhibition games against-the Cincinnati Reds and aggravated It by participating in todays batting drill. Its nothing to worry about, is told Manager Bill McKechnle. have the same trouble every spring, which probably account for -my poor hitting In the training camp every year." Distributed by 1 Helena Creamery Co. Phone No.
2100 Helena, Mont. ii FI IS OFF THE PRESS Containing a wealth of baseball facts and figures for fans, lnclud. lng many new features of special interest. The Dope Book, published by The 8porting News, St, Louis, has made its annual appearance as harbinger of the new baseball season. This handy little manual of the diamond sport is Issued in vest pocket size and Is filled from cover to cover with statistics and Interesting Information tor the fans.
In addition to the records regularly carried, the new edition bringi up to date the statistical data on the game and contains many new features. Notable among these Is a list of the outstanding records created by Babe Ruth during his career as a play In the American league, and the dates, scores and other facts about Schoolboy Rowes string of 16 successive victories. Besides the player records, the hook includes the names and seating capacities of the major league parks, a glossary of baseball slang, nick names, etc. These features, added to the averages of the major league leaders, worlds series records, all-star teams, Junior and Dixie series records, all-star game, rosters of the major clubs and miscellaneous data, give the fan a valuable, 'concise and authentic record of the gamer; Schedules-of "ths tiiOfe lm-portanf leagues are also' carried, those of the majors being arranged in convenient day-by-day style. The Dope Book compilations are made from the official records as prortded by the leagues.
Copies of the book njajr be obtained by sending ten cents to C. O. Spink A Son, St. IMMUNE 13 OmBiST DOCTOR Fall River, March 11. (AP) The Joy ftf living continued tonight to serve Alyce Jane McHenry as an invaluable life "Membera of the' staff of the Truesdale hospital, admitted they had done virtually everything Within their power for the 10-year-old Omaha miss a week ago, when moved her stomach and other organs from her left cheat to the abdominal and-that then he 'had been her own best doctor.
She In such good spirits and her progress had been so satisfactory that her cot was rolled out from her room to a eun porch for the first time. The hospital stiff kept its elective fingers crossed, plainly pleased with -her progress to date, but! not daring to say she was out of 6 Ban ger. New York. Major Abram Stout-enburgh, 81, for 35 years dean of cadets at Culver Military academy. Culve, Ind UeV Certainty Sacramento, March 11.
(JP) Ancil Hoffman, manager -of Max Baer, said here tonight a June fight between his world's champion and Max Schmellng In New York under Madison Square Garden promotion "seems a certainty. Schmellngs knockout of Steve Hamas at Hamburg Sunday, Hoffman believes, will make him the choice of the Madison Square Garden people, who hold an option on Baers services. Hoffman Indicated be Is perfectly willing for a repeat battle between the two Maxes. Baer's diminutive manager said he believed Joe Jacobs, Schmellnga manager, was "telling the truth" when he announced in Hamburg that the June match la "absolutely set, despite reports that Jimmy Johnston, Madison Square Garden matchmaker, haa thrown cold water on the Idea. However, Hoffman said he will have some very definite things to say to the New York promoters and boxing commission officials about referees and judges before he will consent to a Baer-Schmellng match.
POCK-BALL MEET Miami, Fla.r March 11, (A5) Henry Picard and Johnny Rivolta, the sensational "dark horse team of the international four-hall golf tournament, today won first money by squeettng out a one-up victory over Paul Rupyan and Horton Smith In ai 11-hole playoff. Three up at the turn, the winners' eaw their edge dwindle to mere hole as Runyan, the steady New Yorker, twice carded brilliant birdies. For atime it appeared aa if Smith and Rnnyan were about to repeat the thrilling last nine drive that carried them to a draw In the regular 36-hole finals match yesterday. But throughout the final four houles, Revolts, Milwaukee control artist, and Picard, the slashing driver from Hershey, bung grimly to the slim edge that meant first money. Twice they had to match blrdlea or lose the advantage gained by their daring, play going Loot The- victory was worth $1,000 each to Picard and hla partner.
Smith, tall professional of Chi cago, and Runyan, who were seeded second, were paid $500 apiece. A score of 68, four under par but strokes higher than many cards turned In during the flurry of sensational golf marking the tourna ment was good enough to dr In Smith and Runyan )iad a 69. Paul, Mlrtn- -Mrs. Cart Schupqman, 4Tr ua foiyner secretary of Hhe'treosurjv died. I-.