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406 SGHMS/6/2/2 · Volume · 1896-1898

Fait partie de Papers of St George's, University of London

Bookplate of Clinton Thomas Dent in front of volume; author unnamed

Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.1 'Contents', author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896
Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.1-3 'In Memoriam', Death of James Rouse on 24 Dec 1895, Obituary of James Rouse; E.V., 31 Jan 1896
Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.3-5 'Suppuration of the Mastoid Antrum', Gerald Baldwin, 31 Jan 1896
Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.5-8 'German Student Duels', A.L., 31 Jan 1896

Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.9-10 'School Notes', Content of the Gazette, New Chapel opening 17 Dec 1895, Archibald Propert Founder of Gazette and designer of its' cover, Mr Menzies appointed as Obstetric Assistant, St George's Nurses appointed at Johannesburg Hospital; author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896

Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.11-13 'A case of Chylous Ascites etc.', A Case of Chylous Ascites and Chylous Hydrothorax under Dr Ewart, Post mortem by Dr Cyril Ogle showed spheroidal-celled carcinoma; G.A. Clarkson, 31 Jan 1896

Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.13-14 'Football', author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896

Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.15 'Correspondence', Thanks for condolences on the Death of James Rouse from his son Algernon E. Rouse, Request for covered way between the Hospital and the School from W.G.; author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896

Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.15-17 'Recent Laparotomies in the Obstetric Department', List of 38 cases in a tabulated form giving demographics, procedures, diagnoses and outcomes; author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896

Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.18 'Honours and Appointments', Appointments of St George's doctors to other hospitals; author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896

Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.18 'Review', Diseases of the Urinary and Genital Organs by Henry Morris; author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896
Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.19 'Examination Results', Cambridge second and third exam results; author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896
Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.19 'Residents', House Officers list Jan to Apr 1896; author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896
Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.20 'In Weeks', Late Jan and Feb 1896; author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896
Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.20 'Hunterian Society', Forthcoming papers at Hunterian Society; author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896

Vol IV. Issue 1. pp.20 'Births, Deaths and Marriages', Birth of a daughter to Surgeon Captain H. P. Johnson, Deaths of T. Russell Pickthorn at Natal aged 37 and James Rouse [See obituary in same issue], Marriage of Patrick Gunnin Scott to Alice Adelaide Cleveland; author unnamed, 31 Jan 1896

Vol IV. Issue 2. pp.21 'Contents', author unnamed

Vol . Issue 2. pp.21-25 'The Streptococcus and its products', Hunterian Society paper by Dr Slater on the the Streptococcus and its products, Uses in Malignant disease by inoculation; author unnamed

Vol IV. Issue 2. pp.25-27 'A Case in Private', Told by the Patient; author unnamed, 2 Mar 1896
Vol IV. Issue 2. pp.28 'A Bronchitic's Love Song', Poem; author unnamed, 2 Mar 1896

Vol IV. Issue 2. pp.29-32 'School Notes', BMJ 8 Feb 1896 favourable comment about the Gazette, Referral of Patient with Dog bite to Pasteur Institute via the British Institute of Preventive Medicine, Amalgamation Club Smoking concert, Alteration of the Chapel Organ, Nursing Entertainment; author unnamed, 2 Mar 1896

Vol IV. Issue 2. pp.32-34 'Medical Student at Home', Lighthearted article about the attitude of the families towards medical student relatives; author unnamed, 2 Mar 1896

Vol IV. Issue 2. pp.34-35 'Hunterian Society', 17 Jan 1896 Clinical case evening, 6 Feb 1896 The Streptococcus and its products by Dr Slater; author unnamed, 2 Mar 1896

Vol IV. Issue 2. pp.35-39 'Football', Reports and results of recent fixtures; author unnamed, 2 Mar 1896
Vol IV. Issue 2. pp.40 'Examination Pass List', Conjoint Board, First examinaton; author unnamed, 2 Mar 1896
Vol IV. Issue 2. pp.40 'Appointments', Appointments of St George's doctors to other hospitals; author unnamed, 2 Mar 1896
Vol IV. Issue 2. pp.40 'In Weeks', Feb and Mar 1896; author unnamed, 2 Mar 1896
Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.41 'Contents', author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896

Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.41-43 'International Football', St George's Men who have played for International Rugby Football teams; J.M.Manning, 30 Apr 1896

Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.43 'A Case of Acute Myelitis', A case of Acute Myelitis due to Syphilis under Dr Owen; Edward S. Langworthy, 30 Apr 1896

Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.45-46 'Hunterian Society', Report of recent meetings, Foetal Infection by Dr Buckmaster, Case of Acute Appendicitis, Diagnosis of Gastric diseases by Mr Arthur Latham, Recent Dinner and Election of Officers; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896

Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.47-48 'School Notes', Update on referral of patient for rabies treatment to Pasteur Institute, Serum treatments at St George's, Outbreak of Tuberculosis among St George's men, Progress on building of new operating theatres; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896

Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.49 'Ode to a Staff Nurse', Poem; PROB, 30 Apr 1896
Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.49-56 'Football', author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896
Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.56 'Services', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896

Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.57 'Examination Pass Lists', London University, Conjoint Board, Apothecaries Hall and Brussels University exam pass lists; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896

Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.58 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other hospitals; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896
Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.58-59 'Prizes', Award of the Henry Charles Johnson Prize to Mr H.G. Brockman; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896
Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.59 'House Officers', Apr to Jul 1896; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896
Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.59 'In-Weeks', Apr and May 1896; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896

Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.60 'Births ', A son to Robert Stuart, A daughter to G.White Cooper, A son to Bonville Bradley-Fox; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896

Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.60 'Marriages', Morgan Dix Blake to Maria Elizabeth Baldwin Ross, Alfred Walker to Grace Martin, Thomas Buxton Harde to Jane Ellinor Jennings; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896

Vol IV. Issue 3. pp.60 'Deaths', Hubert Wlliam Roberts, Thomas Edis; author unnamed, 30 Apr 1896
Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.Facing page 61 'Illustrations', Two illustrations of The Altels; author unnamed, 30 May 1896
Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.61 'Contents', author unnamed, 30 May 1896
Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.61-69 'The Altels Ice Avalanche', Report of Ice Avalanches in the Alps in 1895 including illustrations, diagrams and maps; Dr Slater, 30 May 1896

Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.70 'Ode to a Repining Prob', A Rejoinder, Poem; Staff Nurse, 30 May 1896
Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.71-74 'School Notes', Disruption caused by continuing building works, New design for cover of Gazette by Mr Propert; author unnamed, 30 May 1896

Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.74-75 'A Case of Leucocythaemia', Report of a fatal case of Leucocythaemia in a female of 20, Post Mortem performed; G.R Keyser, 30 May 1896

Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.75-77 'Two cases of perforated gastric ulcer', Two cases of perforated Gastric ulcer with good outcomes under Mr Bennett and Mr Pick; author unnamed, 30 May 1896

Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.78 'Athletic club', Election of Officers; author unnamed, 30 May 1896
Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.78-79 'Examination Pass Lists', Cambridge Unversity, Apothecaries Hall, Conjoint board; author unnamed, 30 May 1896

Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.79 'Appointments', S. Russell Wells to Medical Registrar, E.G.Graham Little to Assistant Curator of the Museum; author unnamed, 30 May 1896

Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.80 'House Officers', Jun to Jul 1896; author unnamed, 30 May 1896
Vol IV. Issue 4. pp.80 'In-Weeks', Jun to Jul 1896; author unnamed, 30 May 1896
Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.81 'Contents', author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896

Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.81-85 'Homes of Bygone Physicians', Development of London Streets around St George's and Harley Street in the Eighteenth century up to 1817, Residencies of doctors of other London Hospitals, St George's doctors including Dr Wasey, Dr Edward Wilmot, Dr Ambrose Dawson, Dr Batt, Dr Clephane, Dr Benjamin Hoadley, Dr Robert Watson, Dr William Heberden, Sir Richard Jebb; G. Fielding Blandford, 30 Jun 1896

Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.86 'The Lament of the Large White Kidney', Poem; G.H.R., 30 Jun 1896
Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.87-89 'School Notes', Recent illnesses and retirements of school staff, New Football blazer; author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896

Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.90 'Athletic Sports', Results of recent annual athletic sports at Stamford Bridge grounds ; author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896

Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.90-91 'Inter-Hospital Rowing Cup', Report of Rowing cup on 11 Jun 1896. St George's team includes E.A.Wilson, St George's came second to Middlesex with The London third, [Archive photograph of the rowing team in collection]; author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896

Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.91-93 'Calls', Lighthearted article about the etiquette of social calls or visits; J.B., 30 Jun 1896
Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.93-96 'Bicycle Tour', Bicycle tour including Naples, Herculaneum, Pompeii; H.M.V, 30 Jun 1896
Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.97-99 'In the Wards', A Case of Morphoea/Sclerodermia under Dr Owen and Dr Cavafy; author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896

Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.99 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other hospitals; author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896
Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.100 'Prizes', Awards of recent prizes; author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896
Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.100 'Pass List', Conjoint board and Durham University; author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896
Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.100 'In-Weeks', Jul 1896; author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896
Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.100 'Marriage ', Reginald Thorpe to Clara Mary Self; author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896
Vol IV. Issue 5. pp.100 'Birth', A Daughter to F Percival; author unnamed, 30 Jun 1896
Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.101 'Contents', author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896

Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.101-104 'Some Causes of Sudden Death', Cases of Sudden Death with no cause found at Post Mortem, Cardiac causes of death, Cerebral Haemorrhage, Subarachnoid Haemorrhage, Intracranial tumours, retropharyngeal abscess, tuberculosis of the neck, trauma to the epigastrium, drunkards, epilepsy, growths of the heart, syphilis of the heart, aneurysm of the heart, coronary artery atheroma, pulmonary embolism due to sarcoma of the testis, aortic aneurysm, pulmonary haemorrhage, ruptured hydatid of the liver, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, thyroid disease.; G.H.Ransome, 18 Jul 1896

Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.104-106 'Notes on the Graphic Society', Report of the recent exhibition of the Graphic Society; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896

Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.106 'Inter Hospital Lawn Tennis cup', Results of recent matches; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896

Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.107-110 'School Notes', Disruption caused by continuing building works, St George's Directory publication, Poem Mary's Ghost, inscribed under Dr Carpue's bust, published in 1827; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896

Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.110-112 'The treatment of Chronic Sciatica', Medical and Surgical treatments of Chronic Sciatica; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896

Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.113-114 'A Case for Diagnosis', Pulsating aneurysm in suprasternal notch of a young woman of unknown cause; C.R.Keyser, 18 Jul 1896

Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.114-117 'Some old medical writings', Diagnostic terms and conditions found in old medical books; T.R.W, 18 Jul 1896

Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.118 'Correspondence', Condition of tennis courts from Tennis 'Un, Request to Honour Edward Jenner on the Centenary of the discovery of vaccinaton from The Serpent; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896

Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.118 'Books Received', Handbook of Diseases of the Ear by Urban Pritchard and St George's Hospital Directory; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896

Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.119 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other hospitals; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896
Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.119 'Prizes', Recent prizes; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896
Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.119 'Pass List', Cambridge, Oxford; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896
Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.120 'House Officers', Jul to Sep 1896; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896
Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.120 'In Weeks', Aug 1896; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896
Vol IV. Issue 6. pp.120 'Birth', A Daughter to Charles G Munro; author unnamed, 18 Jul 1896
Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.121 'Contents', author unnamed, 20 Oct 1896
Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.121-122 'Editorial', Intake; author unnamed, 20 Oct 1896

Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.122-127 'The New Operating Theatres', The design of the new theatres, refurbished wards and departments of the hospital building; C.T.Dent, 20 Oct 1896

Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.128-131 'School Notes', Opening of two new operating theatres, Arrival of new students, End of building works disruption, Appointment of Mr Pick as Inspector of Anatomy; , 20 Oct 1896

Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.131-133 'Tubercular Sputum', Prevention of spread of infection to St George's staff by precautions with sputum; Arthur Latham, 20 Oct 1896

Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.133-135 'St George and the Dragon', Satirical Article; St George, 20 Oct 1896
Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.135-137 'The First of October', Beginning of Year, Lecture by Mr Adams Frost and Dinner; , 20 Oct 1896
Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.137-138 'Alfred Botten: A Memento', Poem ; W.T. Harper, 20 Oct 1896

Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.138 'Correspondence', Thanks for condolences on the death of the brother of H.Creemer Cooper, Complaint about the quality of food provided by Messrs Spiking from Gourmet; , 20 Oct 1896

Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.139 'Obituary', Obituaries of R. A. Cooper of scarlatina and John Jones Merriman; , 20 Oct 1896
Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.140 'Prizes', Recent Exhibitions, Prizes and Certificates; , 20 Oct 1896
Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.140 'Appointments', Appointments of St George's doctors to other hospitals; , 20 Oct 1896
Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.140 'In-Weeks', Oct and Nov 1896; , 20 Oct 1896
Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.140 'Birth', A son to S Squire-Sprgge; , 20 Oct 1896
Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.140 'Death', Reginald Augus Cooper; , 20 Oct 1896
Vol IV. Issue 7. pp.140 'Marriage', Percy D'Eresby Burrell to Florence Gertrude Morris; , 20 Oct 1896
Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.141 'Contents', author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.141-145 'In the Sixties', Memories of St George's in the 1860s, John Hammerton the Apothecary, Mr Thomas Jones, Dr Ridge-Jones, First House Physicians, Dr G.C. Bright, Dr Wadham, Kinnerton Street School, Dr Noad, The Anatomical and Pathological Museums, Mr Pick, Dr Dickinson, the Matron, the Janitor, Mr David L. Duval the Hospital Superintendent; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.145 'The Old Soldier', Poem; J.B., 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.146-149 'School Notes', New Cover launched, Marble divans in the new operating theatres, Staff Nurse badges replaced by Ribbon collar, Nurses in the Operating theatre, Dr Dakin appointed as new president of Hunterian Society; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.149-151 'In the Wards', Case of Columnar celled carcinoma of the Caecum in a woman of 29 operated by Mr Shield, Case of Malignant Stricture of the Sigmoid Flexure operated by Mr Allingham; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.152-153 'Reviews', Handbook of Diseases of the Ear by Urban Pritchard, Notes on the more common diseases of the Eye by Robert W. Doyne, A Handbook of Surface Anatomy and Landmarks by Bertram C. Windle, Section Cutting and Staining by W.S. Colman, Deformities, A Treatise on Orthopaedic Surgery by A.H.Tubby.; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.154 'Hunterian Society', Reports of recent meetings of the Hunterian Society, Toxic Amblyopia by Mr Grimsdale, Chronic Rheumatism and its allied conditions by H.M. Cooper; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.154-156 'Football', author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896
Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.157 'Amalgamation Club', Report of AGM; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896
Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.157-158 'Correspondence', Response to Letter from Gourmet from Spiking and Co. The St George's Hospital Directory from the Editors; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.158-159 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896
Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.159 'Examination Pass List', Results of recent Conjoint Board, London University, Apothecaries Hall and Durham University exams; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.160 'In-Weeks', Nov and Dec 1896; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896
Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.160 'Births', A son to J.F. Gordon-Dill, a daughter to Patrick Cumin Scott, a son to R.Leslie Romer; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 8. pp.160 'Books Received', Textbook of Bacteriology by Edgar M. Crookshank, Gout and Goutiness and their Treatment by William Ewart; author unnamed, 20 Nov 1896

Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.161 'Contents', author unnamed, 16 Dec 1896
Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.161-164 'Some Old Observations on Pulmonary Apoplexy', Post Mortem findings in Pulmonary Apoplexy, Dr J.A. Wilson Physician 1829-1857, Mitral Valve disease, Dr Hope; W.L.Dickinson, 16 Dec 1896

Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.165 'The Smoking Room Fire', Poem; author unnamed, 16 Dec 1896

Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.166-170 'School Notes', Mr Propert's new design for the Gazette cover, Old Advertisem*nts for patent medicines, Meeting to discuss Jenner Memorial 7 Dec 1896 chaired by Sir Joseph Lister, Meeting of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain at St Georges on 24 Nov 1896 including entertainment by a Joga contortionist, Flag staff on the roof of the hospital, Abolition of the ward Christmas decorations, Construction of Flower bed in the Quad, Return of Alfred the Porter, author unnamed, 16 Dec 1896

Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.170-173 'A Case of Fracture of the Larynx', A Case of Fracture of the Larynx in a 23 year old woman operated by Mr Shield; E.J. Blackett, 16 Dec 1896

Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.173-174 'A Student's Christmas', Lighthearted article; author unnamed, 16 Dec 1896

Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.174-176 'Fifteen Innocents Abroad', Report of a rugby football match at the Stade Francais in Paris; By our special reporter, 16 Dec 1896

Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.177 'Hunterian Society', Report of recent meetings, Case presentations, The Physical exam of Gynaecological cases by Dr Champneys; author unnamed, 16 Dec 1896

Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.178-179 'Reviews', Textbook of Bacteriology by Edgar M. Crookshank, Gout and Goutiness and their Treatment by William Ewart; author unnamed, 16 Dec 1896

Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.179180 'Football', author unnamed, 16 Dec 1896
Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.180 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 16 Dec 1896
Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.180 'Examination Pass List', Recent exam results of Conjoint board, Apothecaries and Fellowship of College of Surgeons; author unnamed, 16 Dec 1896

Vol IV. Issue 9. pp.180 'Scholarships', Entrance Scholarships for Oct 1896; author unnamed, 16 Dec 1896
Vol V. Issue I. pp.1 'Contents', author unnamed, 21 Jan 1897

Vol V. Issue I. pp.1-3 'The Jenner Memorial', Report of Meeting on 7 Dec 1896 chaired by Sir Joseph Lister, Statue of Jenner in Kensington Gardens, Proposal for a memorial to Edward Jenner; author unnamed, 21 Jan 1897

Vol V. Issue I. pp.3-5 'Edward Jenner and John Hunter', Proposal for Jenner Medal and Hunter Medal as clinical medicine and surgery prizes, Transfer of the remains of John Hunter 40 years previously from St Martin's in the Fields to Westminster Abbey, Jenner monument in Gloucester; T.Orme Dudfield, 21 Jan 1897

Vol V. Issue I. pp.5-6 'A Sentimental Sister', Poem; author unnamed, 21 Jan 1897

Vol V. Issue I. pp.7-9 'School Notes', Opening of new operating theatres on 23 Dec 1896 by Duke of Cambridge, Kinematograph exhibition, Peerage awarded to Sir Joseph Lister, Alhambra Theatre extension over the site of John Hunter's House; author unnamed, 21 Jan 1897

Vol V. Issue I. pp.9-12 'The Boat Club in 1844', History of the St George's Boat Club 1843-1844; By an anonymous contributor, 21 Jan 1897

Vol V. Issue I. pp.12-14 'An Old MS', [Alleged] Transcription of a Manuscript from the Middle Ages of the experience of Lead Colic [spoof]; G.H.R [Rolleston], 21 Jan 1897

Vol V. Issue I. pp.15-17 'Football', author unnamed, 21 Jan 1897
Vol V. Issue I. pp.17-18 'A Drama of the Future', Satirical Article; author unnamed, 21 Jan 1897

Vol V. Issue I. pp.19 'Correspondence', The new Garden from 'Squatter', St George's Directory from C.E.; author unnamed, 21 Jan 1897

Vol V. Issue I. pp.19-20 'Cambridge Pass List', Recent Cambridge exam results; author unnamed, 21 Jan 1897
Vol V. Issue I. pp.20 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 21 Jan 1897
Vol V. Issue I. pp.20 'Births', A daughter to Francis George Penrose, a son to Arthur T Wood; author unnamed, 21 Jan 1897
Vol V. Issue 2. pp.21 'Insert facing page 21', Photograph of Thos [Thomas] Whipham; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897
Vol V. Issue 2. pp.21 'Contents', author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897

Vol V. Issue 2. pp.21-22 'Thomas Whipham', Biographical article, Retirement of Thomas Whipham, Curator of Museum n 1870, Demonstrator of Anatomy 1869. Lecturer on Botany and Medicine, Dean of the School 1888-1893; By a Colleague, 18 Feb 1897

Vol V. Issue 2. pp.22-25 'A Fragmentary Note on Medical Education', The Medical Student as seen by Thackeray in 'Pendennis'; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897

Vol V. Issue 2. pp.26-27 'The Teacher's Dream', Poem; G.H.R. [Rolleston], 18 Feb 1897

Vol V. Issue 2. pp.28-31 'School Notes', Retirement of Dr Whipham, Appointment of Dr Penrose to full Medical staff, Argument for Children's wards at St George's, Issues with new operating theatre's irrigation system and removal of the clock, Appointment of Dr Menzies as second assistant anaesthetist, Mr Whomas as obstetric assistant; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897

Vol V. Issue 2. pp.31-32 'Mr Dent's Entertainment', 7-8 Jan 1897, Entertainment written and organised by Mr Dent in the Boardroom, St George's Hospital Orchestra; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897

Vol V. Issue 2. pp.32-33 'Nurse's Concert', Nurses' Concert 14-15 Jan 1897; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897
Vol V. Issue 2. pp.33 'St George and the Dragon'', Satirical Article; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897
Vol V. Issue 2. pp.35-36 'Hunterian Society', Report of Recent Meetings, Clinical and Pathological Photography by Mr Dent; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897

Vol V. Issue 2. pp.36-37 'The New Nurses' Home', Funding of New Nurses' Home by legacy from Mrs Ann Towry Hall in Memory of Major Charles Hall, Montpelier Street, Description of Accommodation; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897

Vol V. Issue 2. pp.3738 'Football', author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897
Vol V. Issue 2. pp.38 'Correspondence', Seating in OP department; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897
Vol V. Issue 2. pp.39 'Examination Pass List', Results of recent exams of Conjoint Board and Apothecaries Hall; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897

Vol V. Issue 2. pp.39-40 'The Services', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897
Vol V. Issue 2. pp.40 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897
Vol V. Issue 2. pp.40 'Births', A Daughter to Alfred Walker, a son to O.W. Andrews; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897
Vol V. Issue 2. pp.40 'Marriage', James Cardwell Gardner to Ethel Marion Bell; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897
Vol V. Issue 2. pp.40 'Death', William Child aged 65; author unnamed, 18 Feb 1897
Vol V. Issue 3. pp.41 'Contents', author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.41-44 'Door-Plates', Lighthearted article on the Doctor's Door-Plate, Size, Design, Position, Rules and Regulations; author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.44-45 'A Musical Romance', Poem; R.H.M., 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.46-48 'School Notes', Criticism of the poem 'A Sentimental Sister' in the Nursing Record, Review of Smoking Concert, Appointment of Dr Cyril Ogle to Assistant Physician, Improvements to lavatory accommodation, The Hospital Reform Association, Resignation of Miss Coombes from Assistant Matron post, Viewing of the new laboratories and extensions, Appointment of Mr Arthur Latham as Curator of the Museum.; author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.48-50 'Hunterian Society', Reports of Recent meetings, Mr T. R. Whipham on Toxins and Antitoxins, Mr F. Morley on Some diseases possibly of Dental origin, Dr J Dickson on Puerperal fever- prophylaxis and treatment.; author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.50-52 'Reviews', Rough notes on Remedies by W. M. Murray, What to do in cases of poisening by William Murrell, Dental Surgery by A. W. Barrett, On Deafness, Giddiness and Noises in the Head by Edward and Claud Woakes. Receipt of Samples of 'tabloids' from Burroughs, Wellcome and Co; author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.52-53 'Smoking Concert', Amalgamation Club Smoking Concert, Review of event held on 23 Februaty 1897 at Frascati's Restaurant; author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.53-55 'Clinical Sketches', exam Fever, Lighthearted article on the effects on exams on Students; Tricuspid Regurgitation, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.55-58 'Football', author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.58-59 'Obituary', Obituary of George David Pollock, Senior Consulting Surgeon, 1817-1897, Trained under Benjamin Brodie and Caesar Hawkins, author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.59 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897
Vol V. Issue 3. pp.59 'The Services', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.60 'Examination Pass List', Reports of recent exam results, London University, Conjoint Board, Apothecaries Hall; author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897

Vol V. Issue 3. pp.60 'Marriage', Francis Sitwell Tidcombe to Alice Jane Francis Bull; author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897
Vol V. Issue 3. pp.60 'Death', George David Pollock, 14 Feb 1897; author unnamed, 19 Mar 1897
Vol V. Issue 4. pp.61 'Contents', List of Contents; author unnamed, 21 May 1897
Vol V. Issue 4. pp.61-64 'A Visit to Montana', Report of a visit to Montana in the Alps; R.L. Bowles, 21 May 1897
Vol V. Issue 4. pp.64 'Sonnet', A Sonnet to the Nicotiniana Tabacum Plant; T.W.P., 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.65 'School Notes', Anti-Vivisectionists, Jubilee Procession as source of profit for St George's from sales of seats, Appointment of Mr Jaffrey as surgical Registrar, Radcliffe Travelling Fellowship awarded to Mr H.M.Vernon, Resignation of Mrs Coster from post of Matron, Duke of Westminster presided over meeting to discuss proposed Jenner Memorial; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.68-69 'Conversazione in the School', Viewing of new laboratories and other recent improvements on 13 Mar 1897, Guests Dr Cavafy, Mr Pick, Viewing of historical records including entry of Edward Jenner as a student, appointment of John Hunter as House surgeon. Lantern slides of clinical photographs and Skiagraphs of pathological and anatomical specimens, Mr Dent, Dr Buckmaster, Dr Rolleston, Dr Ogle, Dr Latham, Dr Patrick Manson, Dr W.J. Fenton, Mr E.L. Hunt, Mr J.H. Montague, Mr Turner, Dr Slater; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.69-70 'Reviews', A Handbook of the Diseases of the Eye and their treatment by Henry R. Swanzy, Ligaments, their nature and morphology by T. Bland Sutton; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.70-71 'Hunterian Society', Report of recent meetings. Clinical cases, Paper on Abdominal Injuries by Mr Baldwin; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.71-72 'Hunterian Dinner', Report of the Hunterian Society dinner, 25 Mar 1897, at the Trocadero; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.72 'Testimonial to Dr Whipham', Proposal for a Testimonial to Dr Whipham on his retirement; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.72-76 'The Doctor in Fiction', Lighthearted article on portrayal of the Doctor in Fiction and in the Theatre and Music Hall; G.H.R. [Rolleston], 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.76-77 'A Surgical Student's Religion', Lighthearted article; H.S.P.[Pendlebury], 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.77-78 'Correspondence', Complaint about the design and colour of the Hospital Blazer from 'A Wearer of the Green', Role of out-patient obstetric clerks in theatre from 'A Former Obstetric Clerk'; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.79 'Appointments', Appointment of F.S. Collard to Demonstrator in Anatomy at St George's Hospital, Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.79-80 'Examination Results', Results of recent exams of Conjoint Board, Durham University and Apothecaries Hall, Award of Henry Charles Johnson prize in Anatomy to H.A.B Bransbury; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.80 'Birth', A Son to Richard Emmett; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.80 'Marriages', Clement Sumber Robinson to Gertrude Hope, Dudley Richard Bernhardt to Beatrice Mary Flack; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 4. pp.80 'Death', Thomas Dickinson 10 Mar 1895; author unnamed, 21 May 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.Facing Page 81 'A. Marmaduke Sheild', Drawing of A. Marmaduke Shield, St George's Dec 1896, Signed E.W.'96 [Edward Wilson]; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.81 'Contents', author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.81-84 'Interviews with Celebrities', Interview with Celebrities, Mr Shield, Out patient teaching; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.84-89 'The Boat Club in 1845', Review of the performance of the Boat club in 1845; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897
Vol V. Issue 5. pp.89-90 'A Maiden Effort', Poem; J.B. [Blumfeld], 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.91-94 'School Notes', Retirement of Mr Pick from Test Exams in Surgery, Appointment of Miss Smedley as Matron; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.94-97 'The University of Salerno', History of the Medical Faculty of the University of Salerno; H.S.Pendlebury, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.98 'Inter-Hospital Rowing Cup', Victory in the Inter-Hospital Rowing Cup, team includes E.A. Wilson; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.99 'Correspondence', Supply of Correspondence cards in the Club and Library from H2S; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.99 'Prizes', May 1897. Brackenbury Prize in Surgery to J.Howell Evans, Thompson Medal to J.Howell Evans, Brodie Prize to J.W.Watson, Pollock Prize in Physiology to W.F. Fedden; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.99 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.100 'Examination Results', Recent exam results of Naval Medical Service, Conjoint board, Apothecaries. Cambridge University, includes May 1897 Pass in Midwifery and Surgery for E.A. Wilson; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.100 'Marriages', George Young Eades to Bertha Jane Hunter, G.T. Mould to Clara Maud Graves, Andrew Sidney Ransome to Barbara Jane Tyldesley; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 5. pp.100 'Death', Edgar Hamilton Hubert aged 21, Son of Willam Henry and Sarah Isabel Hubert; author unnamed, 22 Jun 1897

Vol V. Issue 6. pp.101 'Contents', author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897
Vol V. Issue 6. pp.101-104 'Out Patient Types', The Male Surgery. The study of the types of 'man' found in out-patients; Omega', 16 Jul 1897

Vol V. Issue 6. pp.103-106 'Graphic Society', Report of the 9th exhibition of the Graphic Society. Work by Dr Dakin, Dr Blandford, Dr Drewitt, Dr Slater. Pencil sketch of a View of Knightsbridge by E.A. Wilson. Photographs by Dr Dent, Mr Spitta ; author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897

Vol V. Issue 6. pp.107 'To the Fly in My Eye', Poem; G.H.R. [Ransome], 16 Jul 1897

Vol V. Issue 6. pp.108-111 'School Notes', New post of Second Medical Registrar, Note keeping, New photograph of the Staff organised by W.F.C. Dowding, taken by Elliott and Fry, 55 Baker Street, Presentation of his portrait of Mr Pick by Dr Dent, The Queen's Jubilee procession due to pass the hospital, proposed new hospital Pharmacopoeia, Completion of the Hand Catalogue of the Museum started by Dr Rolleston and completed by Dr Ogle and the new curator [Dr Latham].; author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897

Vol V. Issue 6. pp.1132-113 'Athletic Sports', Report of the recent sports day at L.A.C. grounds Stamford Bridge on 8 Jun 1897; author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897

Vol V. Issue 6. pp.113-114 'Lawn Tennis Club', author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897
Vol V. Issue 6. pp.115-118 'Adventures of a Man of Science', The Heliotrope Ray, Satirical article; author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897
Vol V. Issue 6. pp.118-119 'The Treatment of Recent Fractures by Massage', The Treatment of Recent Fractures by Massage; H.M.C., 16 Jul 1897

Vol V. Issue 6. pp.119 'Appointments and Prizes', Appointments of staff to other services. The Treasurer's Prize awarded to T.R.C Whipham, The Brackenbury Prize in Medicine and the Ackland Prize to J. Howell Evans; author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897

Vol V. Issue 6. pp.119 'Services', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897
Vol V. Issue 6. pp.120 'Birth', A Daughter to Frank Romer; author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897
Vol V. Issue 6. pp.120 'Examination Results', Recent M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. qualifications and Apothecaries result; author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897
Vol V. Issue 6. pp.120 'House Officers for July', House Officers list Jul to Sep 1897; author unnamed, 16 Jul 1897
Vol V. Issue 7. pp.121 'Contents', author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897
Vol V. Issue 7. pp.121-122 'Editorial', New Medical Year, £4000 from sale of seats at the Jubilee; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897
Vol V. Issue 7. pp.123-125 'St George and the Dragon', Satirical Article; St George, 15 Oct 1897
Vol V. Issue 7. pp.125 'The Three Pictures', Poem; Verrey Tass, M.D., 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.128-131 'School Notes', Repairs to Drains over the summer vacation, Demolition of the Mortuary and PM room with rebuilding commenced, Building of four new Separation wards, Appointment of Dr W.M.Davidson and Dr W.J.Fenton as Medical Registrars, Dr J.W. Dickson elected Anaesthetist, J. Blumfield appointed Assistant Anaesthetist, New requirements for Bacteriology in Conjoint exams, Retirement of John Eveleigh.; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.132-133 'October the First', Report of the Annual Oct 1st Dinner; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.133-134 'Testimonial to Dr Whipham', 1 Oct 1897, Presentation of Silver Salver and other pieces to Dr Whipham, Portrait commissioned for the School; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.134 'Presentation to Mrs Coster', Presentation to Mrs Coster, retiring Matron; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897
Vol V. Issue 7. pp.135 'Exhibition and Prizes', Awards of recent prizes; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.135-136 'Correspondence', Account of recent North Indian Earthquake from Charles G. Monro, Ranaghat, Bengal; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.136-137 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897
Vol V. Issue 7. pp.137 'Nursing News', Retirements, Resignations and Nursing Appointments to St George's; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.138 'Examination Results', Recent exam results, Cambridge, Durham, Conjoint and Apothecaries; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.138-139 'Books etc Received', Diseases of Women by Sutton and Giles, Rheumatism: Its Treatment, Surgical Pathology and Principles by Jackson Clarke, Hygiene and Public Health by Louis C Parkes, A Manual of Obstetric Practice by Duhrssen. The 'Alformant' Deodorising lap from the Formalin Hygienic Co, Pig Bile Tabloids from Burroughs and Wellcome; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.139 'House Officers', House Officers Oct-Dec 1897; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897
Vol V. Issue 7. pp.140 'In-Weeks', Oct and early Nov 1897; author unnamed,

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.140 'Births', A Daughter to C.G. Monro, A son to H.R.B. Hickman, A daughter to H.E. Drake-Brockman, A son to G.E.B. Hawes; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.140 'Marriages', William Hawkins Wilson to Kate Hamilton Naylor, Reginald Frederick Henry Newton to Susannna Booth Harbord; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 7. pp.140 'Deaths', Christopher Bulteel aged 85 [corrected to 65 subsequently in Obituary], Henry Thompson aged 81, Philip Tomlinson aged 26, Francis Reginald Greg aged 27; author unnamed, 15 Oct 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.141 'Contents', author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897
Vol V. Issue 8. pp.141-144 'Hints to the Newly Qualified', Guidance to Newly Qualified Doctors. Satirical article; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.144 'Hunterian Society', Report of recent meetings, Radical Treatment of Knee Joint Disease by Mr F.S. Collard, Treatment of fractures of the lower extremity by Mr Jaffrey; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.145-146 'The Moveable Tumour', Poem; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.147 'School Notes', Entry of 53 students to current session, Mr Pick ceases to give systematic lectures on Surgery, now undertaken by Mr Bennett and Mr Dent. Appointment of Dr Ewart to Joint-Lecturer in Medicine; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.151-152 'Obituary', Christopher Bulteel 1832-1897, aged 65; W.H.D., 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.153-154 'Reviews', A Manual of Obstetric Practice by Duhrssen, Hygiene and Public Health by Louis C Parkes, Surgical Pathology and Principles by Jackson Clarke; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.154 'Football', author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.156 'Books Received', Clinical Methods: A Guide to the Practical Study of Medicine by R. Hutchinson and H.Rainey, Therapeutics by S. Ringer and H. Sainsbury; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.157 'Correspondence', Entering of Names and Addresses in Library Address book from X; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.157 'Scholarships', author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897
Vol V. Issue 8. pp.157-158 'Prize Distribution', author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897
Vol V. Issue 8. pp.159 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897
Vol V. Issue 8. pp.159-160 'Examination Results', Recent exam results of Conjoint board, Apothecaries and Cambridge; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.160 'In-Weeks', Nov and Dec 1897; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897
Vol V. Issue 8. pp.160 'Birth', A Daughter fo T Wilson Parry; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.160 'Marriages', John Alexander Camerton to Eliza Taylor, John Goodchild to Alice Emma Brittian, F.G. Dawtrey Dewitt to Caroline Mary Powys; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 8. pp.160 'Deaths', William Robert Cornish aged 70, Thomas Goddesbrough Stockwell aged 74, Clement Cuthbert Walker aged 52; author unnamed, 19 Nov 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.161 'Contents', author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.161-164 'The Retirement of John Eveleigh', Retirement of John Eveleigh from the post of Porter in the Out-patient department, Experience of Crimean War; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.164-165 'Intestinal Obstruction', Recent Cases on the Wards of Intestinal Obstruction. Two patients, mechanic, aged 47 and 23, postmortems performed; G.A. Clarkson, 18 Dec 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.166 'Hunterian Society', Reports of Recent Meetings, Dr Davidson on the The Safe and Suitable Methods of Administration of Anaesthetics, Clinical Case meeting; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.167-170 'School Notes', Hospital note taking, proposed contact details of nurses able to undertake private cases, New edition of Gray's Anatomy by Dr Pick, Request from Nurses to visit the museum, Three beds funded from proceeds of Jubilee seat sales marked by brass tablet; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.171-174 'Football', author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897
Vol V. Issue 9. pp.174-175 'Obituary', William Robert Cornish 1828-1897, Nurse Caroline Tyson Ormiston from Typhoid fever; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.176-177 'Reviews', Diseases of Women by J. Bland Sutton and A.E. Giles, The localisation of headaches by H. Bendelack Hewetson, Clinical Methods: A Guide to the Practical Study of Medicine by Robert Hutchinson and Harry Rainey, Rheumatism and its treatment by the Percusso-Punctator by Brindley James, Therapeutics by Sydney Ringer; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.177-179 'Correspondence', Hospital record keeping [notes] from One who has been Assistant Surgical Registrar, The New Staff Photograph from Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat, Student numbers in surgical O.P. from Subacute, Posting of notices of Gynaecological operations from Lux in Tenebris; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.179 'The Services', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897
Vol V. Issue 9. pp.180 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.180 'Examination Results', Recent exam results of Royal College of Surgeons, Society of Apothecaries, Cambridge and Durham; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897

Vol V. Issue 9. pp.180 'In-Weeks', Dec 1897 and Jan 1898; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897
Vol V. Issue 9. pp.180 'Deaths', John North aged 50 years of Cholera, William Coulthard Falls aged 44; author unnamed, 18 Dec 1897
Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.Facing page 1 'Photograph of Mr Pickering Pick', author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898
Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.1 'Contents', author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898

Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.1-3 'In Memoriam', Obituary of William Wadham, died 28 Dec 1897, Previously Physician and Dean of the School, Exclusion of Metropolitan Police from the benefits of the Hospital; T [Timothy] Holmes, 26 Jan 1898
Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.3-6 'Our Village', Rural Practice and anecdotes about patients; T.W.P., 26 Jan 1898

Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.6 'Hunterian Society', Reports of recent meetings, Dr Arthur Latham on the Diagnostic value of Leucocytosis, Dr Blumfeld on Pneumonia in Children; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898

Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.7 'The only Life worth living', Poem; G.H.R. [Ransome], 26 Jan 1898

Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.8-12 'School Notes', Death of Dr William Wadham, 1823-1897. Appointed to staff 1862, Dean of Medical School 1870-1887. Death of Mr Ernest Hart. Appointment of Dr Patrick Manson as President of BMA section of Tropical Diseases. Proposed University of Westminster; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898

Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.12-13 'The Nurses' Concert', Report of recent Nurses' Concert 13-14 Jan 1989; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898

Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.13-14 'The New Post Mortem House', First autopsy in new post mortem room performed 24 Dec 1897. Configuration and facilities, New mortuary below P.M. room with body lift. New chapel for viewing of bodies; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898

Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.14-15 'Football', author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898
Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.16-18 'Reviews', Ambrose Pare and his Times by Stephen Paget, A Practical text-book of the diseases of Women by Arthur H.N. Lewers, Intussusception by D'Arcy Power; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898

Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.18 'Nursing News', List of nurses undertaking private nursing; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898
Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.19 'The Services', Recent appointment to the Services; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898
Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.19 'Examination Results', Recent exam results, Oxford, Cambridge, Royal College of Surgeons and Society of Apothecaries; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898

Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.19-20 'House Officers', House officers Jan - Mar 1898; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898
Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.20 'Birth', A son to Herbert G. White; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898
Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.20 'Marriage', John William Dickson to Lucy Margaret Marshall; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898
Vol VI. Issue 1. pp.20 'Deaths', John Goodchild 2 Dec 1897, William Wadham 28 Dec 1897, Ernest Hart 7 Jan 1898; author unnamed, 26 Jan 1898

Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.21 'Contents', author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898

Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.21-28 'St George's Hospital Forty Years Ago', 40 years experience of St George's. Changes in surrounding buildings and roads, Grosvenor Place School of Medicine also known as Lane's School. Great Windmill Street, Caesar Hawkins, Medical School in Kinnerton Street established by Benjamin Brodie in 1834, Lecturers included Sir Spencer Wells, Dr Lankester, William Adams, Dr Halford, Dr Richardson. Main Hospital building Hospital Surgical Porters, Thomas and John Perry, Charles Dickens story, 'The Sofa', in Reprinted Pieces set in the board room, Mrs Willey, Matron. Hospital Society, subsequently Hunterian Society, meetings held in the Library, Old Operating theatre; T Pickering Pick, 26 Feb 1898

Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.29-34 'School Notes', Retirement of Mr Pick, Error in publication of photograph of Mr Pick, taken by Mr Dent, in issue 1. Appointment of Mr Herbert Allingham as Surgeon to Prince of Wales, Death of Dr Remfry. Eye problems of Mr Henry Lee. Alterations to wards and Operating theatres. Forthcoming publication of Dr Manson's book on Tropical Diseases, Dr Dakin's new Manual of Midwifery, Marmaduke Shield and results of operations for Cancer; author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898

Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.34-37 'Football', author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898
Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.37 'Obituary', Dr Leonard Remfry, Obstetric Physician, aged 37; author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898
Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.37 'Reviews', Reviews of various other Hospital Magazines; author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898
Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.39 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898
Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.39 'The Services', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898

Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.39-40 'Examination Results', Recent exam results, Cambridge, London, Royal College of Physicians, Conjoint and Apothecaries; author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898

Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.40 'In Weeks', Feb and Mar 1898; author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898
Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.40 'Marriage', George Lestock Thornton to Leta Cordner; author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898
Vol VI. Issue 2. pp.40 'Deaths', Thomas Russell Pickthorn, 31 Dec 1897, aged 81, Leonard Remfry, 11 Feb 1898, aged 37; author unnamed, 26 Feb 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.41 'Contents', author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.41-45 'Abstract of Introductory Address to the Courses of Lectures in Clinical Medicine', Given on Jan 10th, 1898, As an Introduction to the Course of Medicine, Dr Lee Dickinson, Dr Cyril Ogle; Dr Ewart, 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.45-46 'Back to the Corner again', Poem; J.B.[Blumfeld], 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.47-51 'School Notes', Commencement of new building work, Alterations to Central Hospital block, Remodelling of ground and top floors, Mr Turner, Mr Jaffrey, Dr Arthur Stabb elected to staff, Dr Ewart to award two new prizes in Medicine, Publication of papers by Mr Dent, Dr Rolleston and Mr Shield. E.A. [Edward] Wilson to leave medical school because of ill health and likely go to Davos [to recover from Tuberculosis]; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.52-54 'The Smoking Concert', Report of the recent Smoking Concert held on 18 Feb 1898 at Café Monaco; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.54-55 'Hunterian Society', Report of recent meetings of the Hunterian Society. First Debate on 'In modern practice the Aseptic is too much subordinated to the Antiseptic method', Dr Buckmaster on Therapeutic value of variations of Oxygen in the atmosphere, Clinical Case evening; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.56-57 'Football', author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898
Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.57-58 'Lawn Tennis Club', Report of AGM; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898
Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.58 'Reviews', Diseases of the Eye by J.A.Kempe, Diseases of the Skin by Utile Quod Facias; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.58 'Prize', Henry Charles Johnson Prize in Anatomy for 1898 awarded to J.C.S.Rashleigh; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.59 'Correspondence', Hospital Directory from Nemo; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.59 'Appointments', G.R. Turner appointed Surgeon, F. Jaffrey elected Assistant Surgeon, A.F. Stabb elected Assistant Obstetric Physician; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.59 'University of Cambridge', Recent Degrees conferred; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898
Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.59-60 'The Services', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898
Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.60 'In Weeks', Late Mar 1898 - Early May 1898; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898
Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.60 'Births', A son to Arthur T. Wood, A daughter to H.S. Wild; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898
Vol VI. Issue 3. pp.60 'Deaths', Arthur James Lattey aged 28 years, Florence Eva Morgan at Bombay of the Plague; author unnamed, 26 Mar 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.61 'Contents', List of Contents; author unnamed, 19 May 1898
Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.61-68 'A Week at Mayville', Report of a Holiday in France; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.68-69 'Hunterian Society', Report of recent meetings of the Hunterian Society, Radical Cure of Hernia by Mr Turner, AGM and Election of Officers, Dinner at the Trocadero on 26 Mar 1898; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.70-76 'School Notes', Summer at the School, Upcoming sports events, Appointment of Mr Pick as Consulting Surgeon, Resignation of Dr W. M. Davidson as Surgical Registrar, Appointment of Mr Stuartson Collard as Surgical Registrar, Links between London Hospitals for work experience at St George's, Charing Cross, Guy's, Middlesex, Kings College, St Mary's, St Thomas'. University College and Westminster, Government announcement on the future of Army Medical Staff, Problems with sterilisation of instruments, Nomination of Dr Rolleston as one of the Honorary Secretaries of the Pathological Society, 2 copies of Samson and Delilah by Michael Angelo [sic] hung in Hall of Hospital. Course on Tropical Medicine by Dr Manson, Portrait of Mr Pick by Mr P.R. Morris to be shown at the Academy; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.76 'Obituary', Wilfred Becher Carter, died 26 Apr 1898 aged 24; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.76-77 'Reviews', Inflammation of the Bladder and Urinary Fever by C.W.Mansell Moulin, Diseases of the Nervous System by C.E. Beevor; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.77 'Prizes', Brodie Prize in Surgery awarded to R. B. Ainsworth, Acland Prize in Medicine not awarded; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.77 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 19 May 1898
Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.78 'The Services', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.79 'Nursing News', Death of Nurse Tanner from Typhoid. Resignations and appointments to Nursing staff; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.79 'Examination Results', Recent exam results of Cambridge, Durham, Conjoint Board and Apothecaries; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.80 'Births', A son to E. Reginald Tweed, A son to Thomas Alfred Appleton, A son to W.A. Ellison, A daughter to George A. Buckmaster; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.80 'Marriages', W.L. Fry to Bertha Mary Ross, Allen Forrester Duke to Helen Edith Rae, Francis Barrallier Thompson to Lilian Carty; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 4. pp.80 'Deaths', Francis Charles Brett on 25 Mar 1898 aged 53, Wilfred Becher Carter on 24 Apr 1898 aged 26; author unnamed, 19 May 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.81 'Contents', author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.81-85 'Henry Vandyke Carter', Obituary of H.[Henry] Vandyke Carter who died in 1897, Illustrator of Gray's Anatomy. Left England for Indian Medical Service in 1858. Principal of Grant Medical College in Bombay, Published work on Infectious diseases and urinary stone structure, Copies of papers held in St George's Hospital Reports; G.A. Buckmaster, 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.85 'Thesser', Poem; J.B.[Blumfeld], 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.87-92 'School Notes', Annual report of Hospital Activity, 4,689 patients treated in preceding year and 28,137 outpatients, Failure to award recent student prizes, Changes in rules of Conjoint exams, Dr Lazarus Barlow appointed as [pathology museum] Curator, Dr Arthur Latham appointed as Medical Registrar, New H.S.'s [House Surgeon's] boxes to be made of metal not wood to improve Asepsis, Death of Mr Henry Lee, late Consulting Surgeon; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.92-93 'The Graphic Society', Report of recent exhibition of the Graphic Society, Dr Slater, Work by E.A. [Edward] Wilson in the Museum, Pathological Drawings by Mr Lockart Mummery, Photographs by Mr Dent, Mr Drake-Brockman and Mr Barwell, Models of the Brain by Mr Grimsdale. Posters and Paintings by Mr [H.B.] Muir, Mr Wilson, Dr Dakin, Surgeon Major Whipple, Dr Drewitt, Mr Manning, Exhibitions of the Rontgen-ray process and Photographic Colour printing.; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.94 'Inter Hospital Rowing Cup', Report of recent sporting event; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898
Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.95 'Lawn Tennis', Reports and results of recent fixtures; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898
Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.95-96 'The Sports', Report of recent annual Sports day held at Stamford Bridge; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.97-99 'Reviews', The Diagnosis of Disease by T. Porter Parkinson, Outlines of Practical Surgery by W.G. Spencer, Tropical Diseases, A Manual of the Diseases of Warm Climates by Patrick Manson; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.99 'Prizes', Brackenbury prize in Surgery to B. Percival, The Brackenbury Prize in Surgery to H.S. Barwell; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.99 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.100 'Examination Results', Recent exam results of Cambridge, Royal College of Surgeons and Apothecaries; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.100 'In Weeks', Late Jun 1898 - Jul 1898; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898
Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.100 'Births', A son to Patrick Cumin Scott, A son to Morgan Dix Blake, A daughter to A. Sidney Ransome; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898

Vol VI. Issue 5. pp.100 'Deaths', Henry Lee, Senior Consulting surgeon, Died 11 Jun 1898 aged 81; author unnamed, 25 Jun 1898
Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.101 'Contents', author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898
Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.101-105 'The Plague in Bombay', Report of the Plague in Bombay. Correction of place of Death of Nurse Morgan from Bombay to Poona; E.L.H., 27 Jul 1898

Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.106 'The Life of Sir Benjamin Brodie', The Life of Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie by Timothy Holmes, An Appreciation. [Book Review]; H.S.P. [Pendlebury], 27 Jul 1898

Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.108-111 'School Notes', Proposed reorganisation of the Library, Presentation by Mrs Albert of a portrait of Mr Pick to be hung in the Smoking room, Old Dresser tray labelled Hewitt and Cutler found in cupboard [possibly sent to museum], Hewitt was surgeon to the Hospital 1861-1875, succeeded by Cutler, New post of Casualty officer; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898

Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.112-116 'In Memoriam: Henry Lee', Obituary of Henry Lee. Joined Hospital staff 21 Jun 1861 following death of Henry Gray, Previously Student, house surgeon, surgical registrar and [?] curator of the pathology museum, Applied for post of [?]Assistant Surgeon against Henry Gray who was unwell died of smallpox the day before the election ; T[Timothy] Holmes, 27 Jul 1898

Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.116-117 'Lawn Tennis', Report and results of recent matches; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898
Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.117 'Reviews', Aids to exams in Medicine, Surgery and Midwiferyby T. Reuell Atkinson, Practical and Organic Chemistry by Dr Rideal; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898

Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.118 'Prizes', Charles Clarke's Prize to H.G. Drake-Brockman, Webb Prize in Bacteriology to H.R.D. Spitta, The Treasurer's Prize to R.B. Ainsworth; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898

Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.118 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898
Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.118-118 'The Services', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898
Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.119 'Examination Results', Recent exam results of Cambridge, Conjoint Board and Apothecaries; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898

Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.119-120 'House Officers', Jul to Sep 1898; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898
Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.120 'In Weeks', Late Jul 1898 - Aug 1898; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898

Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.120 'Births', A daughter to E. M. Little, a son to Richard Emmett, a daughter to Ernest Charles Arnold; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898

Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.120 'Marriage ', George Walker to Mary Elizabeth Wilkinson; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898
Vol VI. Issue 6. pp.120 'Death ', Arthur Joynson Barnard on 27 May 1898 aged 37 years; author unnamed, 27 Jul 1898
Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.121 'Contents', author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898
Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.121-122 'Editorial', Review of the previous year; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898

Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.122-125 'Six Months' Practice On The River Plate', Report of Working as a Doctor in Buenos Ayres, Argentina; R.L.N., 1 Oct 1898

Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.126 'The Surgical Alphabet', Poem; F.H., 1 Oct 1898

Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.127-131 'School Notes', Continuing Building works, Refurbishment of curators room and laboratories, Mr Brock R.A. to undertake a bust of Mr Pick, Publication of new hospital directory edited by Dr Cyril Ogle, Publication of book of St George's songs with music by Mr Chadborn, published by Novello and Co. National Memorial fund for Edward Jenner reaches £10,000; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898

Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.131 'An American in London', Views of the Hospital by a visiting American doctor; U.S.A., 1 Oct 1898
Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.134 'Hunterian Society', Programme of upcoming meetings Oct 1898 to Mar 1899; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898
Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.135-136 'Reviews', Atlas of Methods of Clinical Investigation by Dr Christfried Jakob, Dwelling Houses: Their Sanitary Construction and Arrangements by W.H. Corfield ; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898

Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.136 'Prizes', Dr Ewart's Prize in Systemic Medicine awarded to J.H.D. Phelps. General Practice Prizes; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898

Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.136-137 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898
Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.137-138 'The Services', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898
Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.138 'Nursing News', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898
Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.138-139 'Examination Results', Recent exam results of University of London, Durham, Conjoint and Apothecaries; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898

Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.139-140 'House Officers', Oct to Dec 1898; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898
Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.140 'In Weeks', Oct 1898; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898
Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.140 'Birth ', A (stillborn) son to W.S. Lazarus-Barlow; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898
Vol VI. Issue 7. pp.140 'Deaths', Thomas Francis I'Anson on 19 Aug 1898 aged 73 years, Ernest Frederick Smith on 10 Aug 1898; author unnamed, 1 Oct 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.141 'Contents', ; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898
Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.141-147 'The Plague in Bombay. No II', Report of the Plague in Bombay continued; E.L.H., 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.148-152 'School Notes', Resignation of Senior Physician [Dr Cavafy], New Hospital Pharmacopoeia, New instrument boxes for House Surgeons, New entry of 54 new students, Forthcoming publication of St George's Song book, Attendance of member of Guy's Hospital to Surgery department, Reorganisation and listing of books in Library; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.152-153 'Hunterian Society', Recent meetings of the Hunterian Society, Dr Lazarus Barlow on Pleurisy and Inflammatory Affections of the Pleura, Debate on excessive operating in hospitals between Mr Tyndale and Mr Howell Evans; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.153-155 'The New Surgery Officer', Appointment of the new surgery officer, salary, duties, accommodation, hours of work; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.155-156 'The Prize Distribution', Report of the Annual Prize ceremony held on 29 Oct 1898 and list of recipients. Prizes presented by Duke of Westminster; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.156-157 'Football', author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.157-158 'Reviews', Diseases of the Breast by A. M. Shield, An Atlas of Bacteriology by Charles Slater and E. J. Spitta; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.158 'Correspondence', Request for the purchase of a complete anaesthetic apparatus for the wards from 'Assistant'; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.159 'Scholarships', Awards of Entrance Scholarships and Second years general proficiency prize; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.159 'The Services', Appointments of staff to other services, Majors E.M. Wilson and C.A. Webb mentioned in a despatch sent from Egypt from Lord Kitchener; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.159 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898
Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.160 'Examination Results', Results of recent exams of the Royal College of Physicians, University of Durham, Conjoint Board and Society of Apothecaries; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.160 'Birth', A daughter for Hugh Lawson; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898
Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.160 'Marriage', Charles Nathanial Barton to Florence Davies; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898
Vol VI. Issue 8. pp.160 'Deaths', Francis Bramley Baker on 20 Aug 1898 aged 67, Thomas James Cottle on 12 Oct 1898 aged 88, Henry Lewis on 5 Sep 1898 aged 62; author unnamed, 14 Nov 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.161 'Contents', author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898
Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.161-166 'The Plague in Bombay, No III', Report of the Plague in Bombay continued; E.L.H., 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.166-168 'Magna est Suavitas et Praevalebit', Opinion piece on the role of the hospital in treating all types and classes of patients; N.J.M, 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.168 'The Library', New policy that no text book shall be removed from the library except under certain conditions and time scales. New scale of fines; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.169-173 'School Notes', Appointment of Dr Rolleston to full staff following retirement of Dr Cavafy. Appointment of Dr Arthur Latham to Assistant Physician, Abolition of post of Orthopaedic Surgeon, Allocation of operating days to specific surgeons, Complaints about conduct of St George's students in adjacent Park, Changes in stock and use of the Library, Publication of 'Development of the London Hospitals during the NIneteenth Century' by Mr Dent in the Lancet published 26 Nov 1898, Establishment of School for Tropical Medicine at Seaman's Hospital in Greenwich with Dr Patrick Manson on the Committee, Problems with new Post Mortem room ventilation, Proposal for refridgerated chamber in Post Mortem rooms, Update on progress of bust of Mr Pick by Mr Brock; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.173-175 'Hunterian Society', Reports of recent meetings, Regeneration in Sutured Nerves by Prof Gotch, Clinical Cases evening; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.175-177 'Football', author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.179 'Reviews', Old Flies in New Dresses by Mr Charles Walker, Illustrated by Mr Walker and Mr Edward Wilson, Guide to the Clinical exam and Treatment of Sick Children by John Thomson, Clinical Observations on Two Thousand Obstetric Cases by G. Porter Mathew; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.179 'Correspondence', Complaint about school members walking in the Park or the Row without hats, sticks and gloves from 'Cottage'; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.179 'Nursing News', Recent appointments to the Nursing Staff; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898
Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.179 'The Services', Appointments of staff to other services. Major E. M. Wilson has received the D.S.O.; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.180 'Appointments', Appointments of staff to other services; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.180 'Examination Results', Results of recent exams of the Royal College of Surgeons and the Apothecaries; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898

Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.180 'Births', A son to G.L. Thornton, A daughter to Percy Pope; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898
Vol VI. Issue 9. pp.180 'Marriage', Walter Allingham to Marie Bidwell; author unnamed, 14 Dec 1898

Sans titre

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.