Fusion World Meta Tier List - Blazing Aura (FB02) - New Leaders Shake up the Metagame! | Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Meta Overview
  • DBS Fusion World Meta Tier List
  • Disclaimer and Tier Explanations
  • Tier 1
    • Son Goku (ToP)
    • Beerus
    • Broly
  • Tier 2
    • Zamasu : Fused
    • Vegeta (Blue)
    • Frieza
    • Son Gohan : Childhood
    • Cell
  • Tier 3
    • Goku Black
    • Trunks : Future
    • Android 17
    • Vegeta (Yellow)
  • Tier 4
    • Son Goku (Starter)
    • Son Goku (Universe 7)
    • Ginyu
    • Cooler
  • Closing Words

Welcome to our Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World Meta Tier List! In this meta report, we will look at the best Leaders and decks of the Blazing Aura (FB02) Season 2 metagame.

Blazing Aura (FB02) releases on May 23, 2024 to the Digital Version. For the Awakened Pulse (FB01) Meta Tier List, check out our latest report!

Fusion World Meta Tier List – Awakened Pulse (FB01)

Meta Overview

A little more than a week has passed since Blazing Aura (FB02) made its grand debut in the offline world, and plenty of tournaments have happened already. Obviously, we will get tons of new data once the regional tournaments using the new expansion will become routine, and the online client also debuts the new cards on May 23rd. Until then, we can already look at the many tournaments over in Japan, plus the few in the American region.

So far, the big change if we compare the first and second expansion is the arrival of the Tournament of Power Red deck, which took the meta by storm. Already, the deck is considered the one to beat, and expected to be very popular in the upcoming regional tournaments. The new Goku deck joined the big names from the Awakened Pulse metagame, Broly, Frieza, Beerus and Son Gohan atop our list. Also, FB02-001 made the other two Goku leaders afterthoughts, seeing almost no play in the data I looked at.

The other newcomers aren't doing so bad either, with FB02-070 and FB02-036 both winning multiple shop battles. There is a bit of a gap with the leaders in the first tier, but these two can only improve over time, so this is a promising start. Joining them in Tier 2 is FS02-01 and his new arsenal of heavy hitters. The Blue Leader might be the most improved amongst the old guard at the start of the new expansion, with Beerus possibly beating it in that regard.

In the last tier, we have the Leaders with a few tops in tournament, but no wins yet. FB01-070 and FB01-035 feel improved, but might need a bit more time to adapt to the new environment. As for FB02-105, there are some interesting synergies around its unique ability, but it might end up with FB01-104 and FB01-105: another Yellow leader Frieza will consistently outshine.

Overall then, the metagame has very similar traits compared to the previous one, but it might just be a temporary situation. Indeed, FS03-01, FS04-01, FB01-002 and FB01-071 still sitting atop the competitive mountain might just because players preferred to go with a deck they could trust, rather than gamble with a new brew.

As such, let's consider this first tier list as a great first look at what the lists for each Leader are built around, but keep in mind things should change fast with regional tournaments now a regular occurence.

DBS Fusion World Meta Tier List

Tier 1🔴 Son Goku (ToP) 🆕
🔴 Beerus
🟢 Broly
Tier 2🔵 Zamasu : Fused 🆕
🔵 Vegeta (Blue)
🟡 Frieza 🔽
🟢 Son Gohan : Childhood 🔽
🟢 Cell 🆕
Tier 3🔵 Goku Black 🔽
🔵 Trunks : Future
🟢 Android 17
🟡 Vegeta (Yellow) 🆕
Tier 4🔴 Son Goku (Starter) 🔽
🔴 Son Goku (Universe 7) 🔽
🟡 Ginyu 🔽
🟡 Cooler 🔽

Disclaimer and Tier Explanations

Tier 1: Decks shaping up the early metagame and looking dominant in tournament so far. Their synergies are either solid overall, or match very well against a very popular opponent. Typically, other decks might think about including some sort of tech cards to edge against these builds.

Tier 2: Good decks, able to compete with the right build, but lacking a little something compared to the tier above. It can be a difficult match-up holding them back, a lack of raw power to dominate most opponents, or simply some play-patterns they can't answer efficiently.

Tier 3: Very few results in tournament play for lack of confidence from the player base, or just posting poor results so far. Decks in this last tier either haven't found their right list, or simply don't have present the same upside as the other leaders in their color.

Tier 4: Leaders there was nothing to say about this time around, due to no results in tournaments, nor interesting discussions around those in the community.

Tier 1

Son Goku (ToP)


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With enough cards in the expansion to make a full deck immediately, it is no surprise to see FB02-001 do great right out the gate. So far, it seems like the best performing decks aren't running FB02-034, or one copy at most. Instead, the deck focuses on a steady flow of great cards, and pushing for the win once Awakened. So far, thanks to having a lot of draw potential, especially through FB02-013 and FB02-012, both able to threaten the opposing leader, the deck doesn't look like it runs out of gas, even when using your Leader ability every turn.

This great sustain has led the Tournament of Power deck to play a very low curve, topping at four Energy. I've seen different cards included in the deck, but very rarely were the 5-cost cards a part of the deck, although one could consider FB01-023 for the mirror match. FB01-139 is a consideration, just to give the deck a different way to push damage onto the opposing Leader. I think the card has some merit, especially with the many power affliction abilities already included to create very weak targets. I could see the card replace FB01-015 if you feel like there are too many 3-cost cards in the deck. Play some extra copies of FB02-004 then as you probably don't want four of FB01-139.

Otherwise, the deck does what many expected it would, play super strong cards and build a lead on the back of their abilities. Very quickly, the deck manages to create a situation where every card is a must to block, and at least two are coming the opponent's way every turn.

Simple, yet super effective recipe. We might need a Tier S soon.

Red Son Goku ToP (ToPKu) Deck Guide



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Blazing Aura had multiple cards which seemed perfect for Beerus to include, such as FB02-029 or FB02-008. Yet, the God of Destruction decided to be proactive, and is instead using the pressure cards from the Tournament of Power deck, although it isn't as aggressive as FB02-001 in its gameplay.

Many expected FB02-018 and FB02-015 to be in most Red lists, while FB02-004 fits Beerus' strategy really well. However, four of FB02-013 wasn't on many bingo cards, although it just makes sense when you think of the cards we mentioned as great 3-costs.

Just like the Tournament of Power deck, so many great cards make the 3-cost slot can feel a little crowded, and it is once again FB01-015 which looks to be the cut if you wanted more space to work with.

God of Destruction Beerus Red Deck Guide



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In almost every list of Broly I've seen, the new expansion wasn't included, which kind of makes sense considering it was mostly support for Cell or Android 17. One could regret not seeing FB02-093 and FB02-096 make it into the deck. Yet, considering how many great 3-cost cards red just inherited, I wouldn't remove FB01-078 from my deck either.

As such, the legendary Saiyan looks pretty the same early in Blazing Aura, with more lists now including FB01-090 and FB01-074 for some health gain, another inclusion to edge against aggressive decks.

Broly Starter Deck (FS03) Guide

Tier 2

Zamasu : Fused


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I said in the introduction, Vegeta felt like the most improved leader amongst the Awakened Pulse crew, which isn't so incredible considering how far behind Blue felt during most of the expansion. Well, it might not be Tier 1 yet, but FB02-036 is off to a great start already, mostly thanks to being more resilient than the rest of the blue leaders.

This was the color biggest weakness during the first expansion: Once you fall behind in a match, it is very difficult to catch up, and your defensive capacities were pretty limited. FB02-036 fixed both problems, at least part of them. Plus, your leader naturally attacks for 25,000 power, and you have the blue engine to constantly return combo cards back into your hand.

The 25,000 base power limits how much pressure the opponent can bring every turn, which combined with the ability to gain health makes the new blue leader quite resilient. Then, the new additions are also shining early in this new metagame. The pairing of FB02-061 and FB01-068 can be a huge tempo swing, in addition to making all your other bouncing abilities much stronger. Then, FB02-049 adds another layer of defenses, punishing an opponent for not keeping some refill in hand. Lastly, FB02-044 is as good as advertised, and it should be only a matter of time until every blue decks runs four copies of it.

Overall, the entire Blue color feels much improved with the new expansion, and the new leader is leading the charge, on the back of being the most resilient of the four.

Zamasu : Fused Blue Leader and Deck Guide

Vegeta (Blue)


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Vegeta got a brand new signature card in FB02-041 but the lists I saw around the leader decided hitting like a truck was more important. As such, the new inclusions are FB02-056 and FB02-058, alongside a duo you probably want to get used to, FB02-061 and FB01-068. With those, the Blue starter improved the two areas it only cares about : Hitting hard and buying time to land more hits.

Last expansion started about the same way, with Vegeta's easy deckbuilding patterns making it more popular, and efficient than Goku Black early on. This time, the Saiyan prince got some unique tools that can't be used by others. It still makes Vegeta much easier to build around compared to the other blue leaders, but it might also separate it from the pack, and make it the default pressure oriented leader in the color. If yellow loses momentum as many expect it will due to more leaders possessing 25,000 base power (Broly, Zamasu : Fused and all Red Leaders with FB02-015 on the table), Vegeta might have a role to play in the Blazing Aura metagame.

Vegeta Starter Deck (FS02) Guide



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I was very skeptical about any of the new releases changing anything to the Yellow color, as Frieza felt so well-rounded already. I'm a bit surprised not to see FB02-140 be added to the mix, but so far, I've only seen the card in FB02-105 decks. Frieza appears to be more on the aggressive side of things, still looking to bring some pressure rather than control their opponent's development.

I was also curious to see the impact of new 25,000 base Power Leaders on Frieza and its army of 20,000 Power cards. So far, Frieza is the leader with the most wins in Japan, however, I did not rank it first due to most of those wins coming in the two days right after the expansion released. If we look at tournaments held a little later, such as the 15th of May, we can see FB02-036 gaining lots of momentum. As such, one could think the meta will adapt, and actually hurt Frieza's stock as we progress.

Frieza Starter Deck (FS04) Guide

Son Gohan : Childhood


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Just like Broly, Son Gohan doesn't feel particularly different in the new expansion. New synergies were added, such as FB02-090. Yet, none of the decks which reported a win in a Blazing Aura tournament were using any of the new cards.

Combined with Broly following the same trend, one could wonder if green is bound to feel exactly the same for the weeks to come. Not only are we very early in the new expansion, it is also important to consider most of the defensive tools for green already existed in Awakened Pulse. FB01-078, FB01-096 or FB01-140 for example, feel needed to control red or yellow opponents.

Then, the new cards will impact the draw engine, or support synergies, which make take a bit to be refined. Plus, even if both top green leaders are still the same so far, both Cell and Android 17 posted results as well, featuring a lot more of the new expansion.

Son Gohan : Childhood Green Deck Guide



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The new Green Leader got a lot of people excited on social media during reveal season, with many believing it had the potential to be the next dominant force. So far, Cell lives in the shadow of Broly and Son Gohan, and stole most of their deck apart from its three signature cards.

Indeed, outside FB02-084, FB02-085 and FB02-102, the rest of the deck looks awfully familiar, as it is exactly what the two green Saiyans are running. The question now is to know whether this engine is the reason why Cell managed to be in Tier 2, or if it is holding it back, but was needed until we can refine a deck fully built around the new leader.

I want to believe Cell has potential to do its own thing, and doesn't have to be another green leader with the same engine and two cards different because they only work with that precise leader. Yet, it is hard to root against the other two, as their leader abilities are so good to sustain the hits you'll take from the other colors. Maybe Cell just needs to wait for a slower metagame to take over.

Tier 3

Goku Black


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This tier list is based on the results each leader managed to post during the first week in Blazing Aura, a time whilst Goku Black managed to post a top 16 in the European regional tournament. However, if we take a closer look at the FB02-036 deck in the higher tier, we notice both lists are quite similar. Then, although the leader itself plays a big role in the deck's success, and the 25,000 base power showed plenty of times how impactful it can be. I'd like to think Goku Black has a shot at rising much higher than the bottom of Tier 3 it currently sits at.

It will require to find what the leader does better than the others, as FB02-036 looks to be the control one while FS02-01 takes the pressure trophy. If we can do so, I'm sure Goku Black can follow a similar path it had during the Awakened Pulse metagame, when it started pretty low and ended up being a the best Blue leader, alongside a decent pick for tournaments.

Here is the list from the top 16 player in Cologne, which already looks to be more Goku Black like.


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Goku Black Blue Deck Guide

Trunks : Future


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Although Trunks remains a very fringe leader, they managed to post a solid result with a top 16 in the Tokyo and Cologne regionals. Not only is the leader ability pretty good against a red deck filled with 3-cost cards, Trunks probably also represents the best leader to leverage the cost reduction synergy. For example, this is the only blue deck with FB02-062 included, as you can use the card to bounce a 4-cost back in their opponent's hand with your leader ability, at worst.

I have to admit, I didn't expect Trunks to look this good in the new expansion. Sure, Tier 3 might not be a good representation of "looking good", but we're talking about the worse leader of Awakened Pulse here. Not only it shows the entire blue color has drastically improved overall, but there is chance it could become the way to deal with the building red domination too, with Trunks potentially holding the best ability in that regard.

Trunks : Future Blue Deck Guide

Android 17


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I had a lot of hopes for the Android synergy heading into this expansion, but I guess it will take more than just a week for the worse green leader during Awakened Pulse to become a thing. The few lists I could look at embraced the Android theme, and although no wins have been reported, Android 17 being listed in the top four of a small tournament is something to remain hopeful.

It seems like the problem for the Android is simply that pressure doesn't fit the green color. Then, you aren't as resilient as a Broly against aggressive opponents, but you are also worse than red, yellow or blue when it comes to pressuring slower foes. With this in mind, the Androids just feel like they don't have a thing they do better than other leaders. This was already the problem in the previous expansion, being balanced isn't particularly important in Dragon Ball Fusion World.

Instead, you want to push your synergies as far as possible, and create the perfect situation to enforce those during the match. For example, Beerus and its ability to remove seemingly any card without attacking into it, Vegeta hitting you non-stop for 35,000 hits, or green putting you on a clock as you know they will close the door once they reach eight energy. With its midrange playstyle, Android 17 doesn't seem able to have its own thing, at least for now.

Android 17 Green Deck Guide

Vegeta (Yellow)


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The new Yellow Leader already looks like a project for the future, as it doesn't seem to be enough cards in the game to build around its specific ability. Extra cards are there, as FS04-16 and FB02-137 are more than enough in that regard. FB02-106 is another way to use your energy during your opponent's turn. The problem is somewhere else: how fast cards fly out of our hands.

Maybe the list is just wrong, and Vegeta should be played super aggressively, relying on FB01-109 like Frieza does, instead of trying to play a more control oriented playstyle. Yet, because we have to include cards to leverage the ability, we can't fit large packages of cards, such as "Frieza Army" cards. Plus, this could just make the new leader a FB01-104 deck with extra steps.

Then, Vegeta is stuck in this middle ground where it feels pretty good once you are awakened and can easily protect your cards with your Extra, building tempo in the process. Yet, you are also using more cards than other leaders would, meaning your hand can quickly be pretty empty. FB02-123 could be a solution instead of FS04-16, but I haven't seen the card be included in the list I could look at.

The ability points to a certain direction and the cards to another. So far, it feels like the balance is off.

Tier 4

Son Goku (Starter)


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Updated meta decklist for this Leader is currently being built!

Son Goku Starter Deck (FS01) Guide

Son Goku (Universe 7)


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Updated meta decklist for this Leader is currently being built!

Goku Universe 7 Red Deck Guide



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Updated meta decklist for this Leader is currently being built!

Ginyu Yellow Deck Guide



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Updated meta decklist for this Leader is currently being built!

Cooler Yellow Deck Guide

Closing Words

I don't know if the new Red Tournament of Power deck crushing the competition is limiting how much space the others have to get themselves known, or whether the early report about Blazing Aura would be the same due to the new decks not making enough of an impact.

Indeed, apart from the new Leaders shaking things up, none of the previous twelve leaders saw their rank drastically change, except maybe FS02-01. As such, one could wonder if the new red deck isn't simply an improved Universe 7 build joining the already established powerhouses in tier one.

Granted, we are still very early in this expansion, and this tier list only used limited data from the first regional tournaments, which saw FB02-001 wreck every other deck when it comes to top 16 representation, happened at this point. Yet, this kind of early domination by Ginyu and the Universe 7 synergy is what led to the Broly, Frieza, Beerus metagame we ended Awakened Pulse with. Then, I'm curious to see if the situation can be different in Blazing Aura, because the start looks awfully similar: a great pressure oriented deck bullying the others.

I hope this breakdown was helpful, and may you find all the success in your future tournaments, or grinding the online client when the new season hits. If you needed anything, feel free to reach out through my Twitter page.

Good Game Everyone.

Fusion World Meta Tier List - Blazing Aura (FB02) - New Leaders Shake up the Metagame! | Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World (2024)


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#1 Broly. Green decks are far and away the most powerful decks in the game at the moment. Capable of getting easy access to excess energy, getting remarkably greedy, and using all those resources thoroughly to their advantage.

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Jump into Fusion World with a Starter Deck!

Each of these Starter Decks is constructed in accordance with the color of its Leader Card, which is red, blue, green, or yellow. Each color has different characteristics! -Son Goku- [FS01] is a red deck that's great for new players!

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The best deck (aka p2w) are Israel, FinPol and Entente. If you don't have the DLC, try EuroCorps. Deck building is much more flexible and can be a painful experience for new players. For now consider only coalition decks.

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