Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (2024)

Champion Gundyr

Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (1)
Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (2) Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (3) Location
4956 60,000 Untended Graves
Drops Soul of Champion Gundyr
Weak Resistant Immune
Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (4) Strike
Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (5) Lightning
Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (6)Frost
Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (7) Bleed
Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (8) Slash
Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (9)Poison/Toxic

Champion Gundyr is aBoss in Dark Souls 3. This Dark Souls 3 Champion Gundyr Guide features locations, strategies and videos on how to defeat Champion Gundyr easily, as well as tips, weaknesses, trivia and lore notes for the Champion Gundyr boss.

Champion Gundyr is a different version of Iudex Gundyr, however he utilizes the same moveset asIudex Gundyr with the addition of new attacks. He is much more aggressive than he was in the Cemetery of Ash. After being brought down to a certain health threshold, rather than undergoing a physical transformation, his eyes glow red and begins attacking the player much more aggressively.

With a quicker and stronger offensive than when previously encountered, players should be careful of overextending and overestimating their window for counterattacking. This boss is optional and only required for "The End of Fire" ending. You can also find Black Knights after defeating the boss as well as the Coiled Sword Fragment, and Hornet Ring. Players can summon Sword Master to help them fight this enemy (must have defeated Sword Master NPC outside of Firelink Shrine). His summon sign can be foundjust in front of the boss fog.

Bosses are unique and challenging Enemies that drop Boss Souls capable of being transformed into powerful Weapons, Spells, and Items for the player.

Dark Souls 3 Champion Gundyr Location

Where to find Champion Gundyr in Dark Souls 3?

  • Untended Graves, which can be found through the doors after defeatingOceiros, the Consumed King.

Champion Gundyr Drops

What do you get from defeating Champion Gundyr in Dark Souls 3?

  • Souls: NG (45,000) | NG+ (90,000) | NG++ (99,000) | NG+3 (135,000) | NG+6 (139,988) | NG+7 (153,000)
  • Co-Op Souls: NG (15,000)
  • Soul of Champion Gundyr
  • After defeating him, his armor set can be bought from Shrine Handmaid for 36,000 souls total.

Champion Gundyr Notes & Tips

What should you know about fighting Champion Gundyr in Dark Souls 3?

  • While entering the boss fight, he kneels at the center of the boss fight arena. Approaching him will trigger the fight.
  • DealsStandard Damage.
  • Parryable: Yes. Can also be riposted after asuccessful parry.
    Parry note: If using twinblades such as sellsword with a buff, its better to dual wield after a parry and spam L1
    Tested: Sellsword +10 twinblades w/ flame buff parry: 720 damage with l1 spam dual-wield :1450 AR with buff: 480
  • Can be poise broken,but that does not allow to perform a riposte.
  • Weak to Strike Damage, Lightning Damage,Frostbiteand Bleed.
  • Resistant to Slash Damage, PoisonandToxic
  • Despite resistance to bleed, Dorhy's Gnawingis still an effective way to tackle this boss
  • If the player heals, Gundyr will stop combo and perform his charge attack.

Champion Gundyr Stats

Playthrough NG NG + NG ++ NG +3 NG +4 NG +5 NG +6 NG +7
Health 4,956 6,265 6,891 7,204 7,518 8,144 8,457 8,771
Damage Type Standard Strike Slash Thrust Magic Fire Lightning Dark
Absorptions 18% 15% 21% 19% 12% 10% -12% 5%

Dark Souls 3 Champion Gundyr Boss Guide & Strategies

DS3 Champion Gundyr Video Strategies

Below are video strategies from our Youtube Partners:

Dark Souls 3 Champion Gundyr Attacks

First Phase(Champion behaves as Iudex Gundyr)
Attack Name Attack Description
Slash into Large Slam Winds up spin, holds halberd behind, then smashes, lifting quickly, throwing rocks and knocking up
Stab into Smash Stabs, winds up smash, smashes ground
Smash into Slash Smashes ground, winds up slash, slashes
Double Slash Spin attack, twice
Double Stab into Smash Stab attack, twice; holds
Double Slam Slow smash attack, twice
Gundyr Grab Opens his palm, grabbing anyone in reach. Follows into being stabbed through his halberd and thrown a large distance.
Jumping Smash Hops a short distance, stabbing the ground
Sidekick Executes kick in direction of player (Must be to his side or behind)
Second Phase (Champion's eyes glow red)
Attack Name Attack Description
Charge (x3) into slash Charges, dealing three ticks, into fast slash
Double Slash into Slam Two fast slashes, into a charging smash
Sprint Slam Sprints, jumps and smashes the ground
Stab, Punch, Slice Stab Stabs, punches with left hand into a fast upwards slice, wind-up stab
Punch, Lifting upwards slice, Shoulder Smash Punches with left, upwards slice (which can knock-up), into fast shoulder smash

Note: Typically, the attacks in his first phase are pairs, whereas the combos in the second are trios.

How to parry (with small shield)

  • Jump and slice move. Keep your eyes on his legs. When he is at the top of his jump or just about to start deciding hit the parry button.
  • Two pokes and a smash. Avoid or tank the pokes and when he smashes hit the parry button as soon as the weapon starts to come down from above his head.
  • Slowly starting swipes. Two versions. One starts little lower and other little higher. He moves his halberd to his left side (your right) and the tip of the blade is in his right side (your left). Keep your eyes on the blade part and as soon as the swipe starts,hit the parry button. It is easy to parry too soon.
  • Phase two charge+swipe. Usually the first move he does after he buffs. Stay so far that you avoid the tip of his weapon when he charges straight at you, and when he starts to twist his body for the swipe hit the parry button.

How to fight and beat Champion Gundyr

Strategy 1 (Melee)

One of the most efficient ways of dealing with him is by parrying. His moveset is similar to Gwyn's, in a sense, as it seems he has an endless flurry of rapid attacks, leaving barely anytime to attack. The easiest attack to parry is his forward jab-like attack, which can be baited outby standing about the length of his weapon away from him. He is stunned for a long time after a parry, you can usually hit him once, then riposte, then hit him again before rolling away. Another useful strategy for the first phase is to keep a lot of distance between him and bait his long jump attack, which is easy to roll attack into.When he buffs, any other attack besides his jab becomesextremely difficult to parry. Attacking only once per opening and dodging precisely should workwell for the remainder of the fight.

In conjunction with the above, and the other melee strategies on here, the below is a playbook of tips on how to beat Champion Gundyr, which is formulated based off of very potent strategies used by people who successfully run every boss at SL 1, with no damage. That means these tips should work fantastically for a typical-strength character. Here goes:

  1. Gundyrwill open up with a jumping attack, which more likely happens if you do not try to rush him. This jumping attack has a different dodge timing than his other jumping attacks, so pay attention when he is coming at you, and don't use the same roll timing as his other leaping attack.
  2. The tip of Gundyr's Halberd moves very fast. DO NOT use the bladeto try to dodge, like his eccentric body movements. Instead, use anywhere from his blade hand, to about halfway up his weapon to time your dodges. You will be more successful this way.
  3. He likes to make slight vertical increases in his positioningbefore he hits, as well. Do NOT pay attention to this behavior. This is a ruse, meant to throw off the player. Just watch his Halberd, his back-kick, and his open hand, and you will be absolutely fine.
  4. When Gundyr is open for an attack, he will start to seek the player, turning around. He is also open when he does a heavy attack, but be prepared to roll quickly.
  5. Gundyr has combinations as long as about six attacks. The player should expect a strong going maximum of ten, which is the peak number for the Nameless King, to be safe. The player should not be lulled into complacency.
  6. When Gundyr does his running spin attack, roll over his left shoulder, where his empty hand is, and in the diagonal direction.
  7. Do not think that the Sword Master will carry you in this fight, at all. The Sword Master will only get down maybe 1/8th of Gundyr's health, but he is useful as a distraction.
  8. An effective tactic is to keep the Grass Crest Shield in the secondary shield slot, and quickly switch to it to cure your stamina. Wearing the Chloranthy Ring really optimizes this. Both items are very easy to get, so if the player is too under-leveled, it makes sense to make the very fast trip to get these items.
  9. If you need to heal, be about 80% of the distance of the arena away from Gundyr, and make sure you hit the Estus button when the last attack of his combo finishes. Otherwise, you will be paying one or two Estus per opening, and this is not economical for surviving the fight.
  10. Try to conserve your Estus until Champion Gundyr loses about 35% of his health, and buffs into a red-eyed version of himself.
  11. Using more than one Estus Flask, even back to back, will get you hit with a very high probability.
  12. Gundyr grunts for all of his attacks, except one or two. Use this to help your timing to signal you when he is going to attack.
  13. Roll into the direction of his swings to optimize your i-frames. Most of his swings go clockwise.
  14. When Gundyr is moving to back-kick, he will raise his trunk, as he raises his body for most of his attacks.
  15. Gundyr has two or three mild AOE attacks. They have about a six foot radius, so don't worry about these too much.

With this playbook, the player is now prepared to beat Champion Gundyr!

Strategy 2 (Rapier)

This strategy is good for most melee builds, though strength builds may have more trouble pullingthis off as it's easier with high Dexterity. You will need a rapier enchanted with frost (Irythill Rapier is good for this) to lower his stamina, and a 100% shield is highly recommended. The rapier has rather fast attacks and wearing him down with frost will lower his ability to counterattack. When he is in the first phase, roll into him and attack his back, watching his feet as he finishes his attacks. If he lifts any of his legs, there's a good chance he will kick (which has extremely unforgiving tracking), so roll again or tank with shield. You could sneak in two hits if he has one of the longer windup attacks (such as his large smash or his two-slash). If you're lucky, he'll fall to his knees in the first phase and you'll be able to attack freely. Once he enters his second phase, you have to roll in a more calculated fashion; he's going to string more attacks as you dodge, but there should be good windows to sneak in one hit.

Note: be careful of the shoulder smash; This attack is easily the worst thing to be hit by, has very little warning (Gundyr bends his arm and braces his shoulders just a bit), and can lead to a combination of knockups and stuns. In the second phase, it's strongly recommended not to try for two attacks, because he can shoulder smash or punch MUCH faster than before. When needing to heal, back away and wait out his stamina, for he doesn't have very strict movesets in this phase. Continue stringing attacks as consecutively as possible, in order to stack up the frost, and he should fall to his knees again, allowing for free attacks. Played patiently, this strategy should net a fast, low Estus run.

Strategy 3 (Magic)

Lightning/Sunlight spears can do considerable damage to Gundyr, however due to his aggressive nature it can be very difficult to get a cast in without taking damage, especially after he buffs himself in the second phase and becomes much more aggressive. However, using a talisman with unfaltering prayer can be a big help if you can tank some damage to get a cast off.
Trying to get distance to be able to cast is generally pointless, as Gundyr will not only easily close the distance with a single leap or charge, but may also avoid your projectiles while doing so. It is therefore recommended to stay in close or medium range and work only with fast spells such as Great Soul Arrow or even Great Farron Dart.

Strategy 4 (Pyromancy)

First phase treat the boss as you would any other melee boss staying away and lobbing spells whenever he does a heavy recovery move such as his overhead or his side swipe. What makes this boss difficult in his 2nd phase is the inherent mage mentality to stay away from the boss which results in you trying to endure his onslaught of attacks (which most mages cant) or the desire to roll back to avoid his attacks, instead focus on staying somewhat close and rolling behind him forcing him to turn around and interrupt his attack string. By doing this you will constantly slow his momentum and often result in him doing single string attacks or his turn around stomp which is easily telegraphed. Use chaos bed vestiges as his large hitbox is an easy target and it does large amounts of damage at 30/30 faith/int.

Strategy 5 (Sword Master Exploit)

There's a glitch for this fight (May 6th, app1.04 reg1.05) that you can do likeDancer very easily.

Summon the Sword Master (You need to kill him at Firelink before). As soon as the NPC dies, save & quit via the Start Menu. Reload your game and summon the NPC again and go in the boss room.

Sword Master will now take very minor damage and will dodge due to a hitbox bug. Just let him take the aggro and wait for the boss being bled to death. See Dancer for original Glitch.

Champion Gundyr Lore Theories

  • Iudex Gundyr, who was corrupted by the Abyss, spends an eternity testing new unkindled heroes if they are worthy of fulfilling the prophecy of rekindling the First Flame. He was once an unkindled himself, but had risen too late to fulfill his duty. The Flame had already been extinguished and the bells failed to ring, starting a new Dark Age. As the Ashen One travels through the illusory door, they go straight to that very same Dark Age to face Champion Gundyr at his prime. This is where they defeat him as an unknown warrior which seals his fate. A prisoner with an unbreakable halberd hoping that one day an unkindled will rise and relink the flame once more.
  • The reason Iudex Gundyr does not drop his Soul might be the result of the Untended Grave being the past, thus when you kill Iudex Gundyr you already obtained his soul in the Champion Gundyr fight. From a gameplay perspective this is probably to not allow players to obtain both items transposable from his soul in a single playthrough. This is supported by the fact if you haven't gotten the covetous Silver Serpent ring from the firelink shrine, and grab it from untended graves, by jumping from the hanging tree near the tower, it'll be collected in firelink shrine as well
  • "Once, a Champion came late to the festivities and was greeted by a shrine without a fire, and a bell that would not toll." - Soul of Champion Gundyr
  • Leaks from quality assurance testers of the alpha version suggest that Gundyr was originally going to be called Oceiros, with Oceiros not appearing in The Consumed King's Garden, but a cut area called "God's Grave". The character "Gundyr" would still exist, but look and play like Yhorm the Giant - (credit darksouls3theorist and Lance McDonald).

Champion Gundyr Trivia

  • If you die to this boss you can acquire your lost souls in the area where you fought Iudex Gundyr. Possible explanation: Untended Graves and Cemetery of Ash occupy the same space in the game's map.
  • His set bears extreme resemblance to armor used by Old King Doran from Demon's Souls. Gundyr's helm also states this it was modeled after a former king.
  • Because of Gundyr's devastating kick that he most commonly performs in his second phase (red eyes), it is advised for the player to never test his or her luck behind him.
  • His shoulder tackle and drop kick attacks are similar to the ones used by Father Gascoigne from Bloodborne in the third phase of that boss fight.
  • Bug (very rare): If a phantomgets stuck in the remains of the coffin, there is a chance that Gundyr will try to hit him. During this attempt he may "climb" on the top of the coffin, which will result in his death, as the coffin's upper part is a non-collision object.

Abyss WatchersAldrich, Devourer of GodsAncient WyvernCrystal SageCurse-Rotted GreatwoodDancer of the Boreal ValleyDarkeater MidirDeacons of the DeepDemon PrinceDragonslayer ArmourHalflight, Spear of the ChurchHigh Lord WolnirIudex GundyrLothric, Younger PrinceNameless KingOceiros, the Consumed KingOld Demon KingPontiff SulyvahnSister FriedeSlave Knight Gael (Boss)Soul of CinderStray DemonVordt of the Boreal ValleyYhorm the Giant

Champion Gundyr | Dark Souls 3 Wiki | Boss Guide, Location, Drops, Stats and Tips (2024)
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